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Quarrantining zoo frags, need help


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instead of quarantining zoos frags when they arrive what else can you do to rid of the parasites before i place thm into my tank? Also what do i do to get the zoos to stick on the lr?

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instead of quarantining the frags you could "dip" them. do a topic search for dipping zoos. and if its just a bare frag not attached to LR, you can use superglue to attached them, make sure you glue the right side and use only a LITTLE BIT of glue. you don't want to glue ne shut. and eventually they'll grow and attach by themselves.

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you can do a freshwater dip...make sure the temp and ph is the same and dip em for about 5 minutes with a luglos solution. use super glue gel to secure them to the rocks

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is it that easy? same temp/ph R.O. water/ lugols, then dip? i never dip my zoos cuz i read you it was real complicated. you had to add iodine and all this fancy stuff.???

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