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Fuzzy Dwarf Lion


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Hi guys, I am new to the lionfish deal, just got a fuzzy dwarf lion.. I need tips on how to take care of this little guy, i have a 20 gallon tank with proper filtration. I heard that the haredest part is getting the little sucker on frozen food, any tips?

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Your 20G will eventually be to small for your lion, IMO I would just put corals in with this lion (they produce quite a bit of waste and get 7 inches).

You could try using a feeder stick with Silversides or Krill on it. I have one that ate from the feeder stick right away and one that shyed from it, I just dropped a small silverside in the tank near the fuzzy and it ate once it was established.

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my lion does not produce a lot of waste, he eats abot every 3 days. look for the thread does anyone have any lions, i described how i got mine off of live food.

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If the lion is young it should eat a small chunk daily but as adults they really only need fed every 2-3 days. But a young lion does need it's food and it is good to soak the foods in selcon/zoe.


I was thinking of this more (tank mate) check in to a leaf scorpionfish/Taenianotus triacanthus they can go in a 10g and feed the same as the fuzzy with a max size of 4" & they can usually be grouped. They come in Yellow, Black, Brown, red and they are cool to have.

I did have one for a few years and it was eating frozen, they shed their skin and its not common but they can have problems through the shedding. I lost mine through a shed and it was to bad it was yellow.

I looked but no longer have pics of it, here is one of my new fuzzies though and it is a Male.

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