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Hardly ever see firefish


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I have had this fish for two months plus. He eats like he won't ever get fed again. The only time I ever see him is when he's eating. After feeding time it's time to hide again. I'm starting to get desperate. I came up with the crazy idea of pasting a picture of my face to the tank, so it will get used to me(didn't actually do it). Does anyone have some less unusual methods.

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We have a purple firefish that did the same thing. It was in a 2.5 nano by itself for a bit. Now it's in my 40g and the only thing that seems to make him come out is other fish. When he was in the tank all by himself I never saw him except to eat.





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  • 2 weeks later...

my firefish did the same thing...but sometimes he would come out and swim around the tank he was a big buddy with my yellow watchman goby they were always together until the firefish aka fireball died :( but i still have my yellow watchman :) aka chakita

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I believe firefish are semi-social and actually enjoy having other fish around them so that they feel comfortable.


In an article I recently read, I found out that firefish are also very effective at coaxing other very shy fish out into the open. Certain shrimp gobies for instance, are like to hide quite a bit, but will often become more bold and active in the presence of what is called "dither fish." Apparently firefish are dither fish, and they give other fish a nice warm fuzzy feeling.


Just thought I'd share since I was reading up on Yasha gobies and came across that info. Needless to say, I purchased some firefish which should be delivered tomorrow. We'll find out if there's any truth to this "dither" business.




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I had a purple firefish for over a year and he was always out and hanging in the water column. He got along great with my clown and 6-line, and never hid.

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I think the dither fish thing might be true. I keep a tank with rams in it, and they wouldn't come out unless they saw other fish active. Luckily I will be getting a perc tomorrow for him. I think the presence of the clown fish might coax him out more.

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my firefish went insane, always hiding cept for feeding time. then one day he decided he really didn't like my tank and kept jumping into the back compartments and even went carpet surfing once. i had to take him back =(


most people tell me they do well with other firefish or other fish in general. (if i remeber right they are schooling fish)

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I think I will take mine back also. I bought a juvenile yellow watchmen goby and it's alot more active. I guess I'll have to be satisfied until my next visit to the lfs.

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My experience is...

My firefish is out all the time...except when the lights go out...thats when it goes to its cave. It will also hide if im working in the tank or when my nephew is over, he likes to get close to the tank and sometimes he will be loud and the firefish will hide. But other than that, I have no complaints. I also dont have a top on my tank. I hope it never jumps out. I have had it for a couple weeks now....



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