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Innovative Marine Aquariums

sun coral is losing its color


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I have a decent sized sun coral in a tank with proper parameters. I recently had a polyp die off but everything else seems to be fine. Prior to this and to this point as well, my Sun Coral lost its orange color and is dark and brown except where the polyps are. The coral seems to eat the right amount, but the color of the coral just seems wrong.


Any ideas?

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sounds weird to me... what exactly are you feeding it?


i would suggest "chunky & meaty" foods such as squid/krill/plankton/brine/mysis/clams


just be sure that whatever you feed is cut so that it is "bite sized" for the polyps to eat. can you get a picture??

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I feed brine once to twice a week to each individual polyp. Is it possible that the hermits that climb all over and pick at the coral have picked off the orange between the polyps?

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I am not sure about the hermits but that could be wat is happening. Maybe someone else will know. I feed my coral almost daily but that just my opinion. I have ehard that brine shrimp is more of a treat for them. Switch over to mysis shrimp or cyclopeeze. That might be the problem

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try increasing the increments in which you feed. i would suggest once every 2 days minimum.


are you using frozen brine (enriched), or the kinda brine you hatch/buy alive? try to maybe buy silversides/krill which you can cut/chop up and feed.

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