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are clowns more agressive than damsels?


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i have had a Capped Damsel in my NC 12 for about a week, today i added a percula clown and for the last 4 hrs the damsel has been attacking the clown, i thought after awhile the damsel would stop once one of them aquired domminance over the other, what i want to know is, who is more agressive, and who is going to win the battle, i really want to remove the damsel. (stupid decision even adding him) but i dont want to have to go to that much trouble unless i have to. i also dont want to loose either fish. BUT if it came down to it, i would get rid of the damsel anyday over the perc.

any advise is much appreciated!


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reef hugger

Even though the damsel has only been in your tank for a week, it has claimed it's territory, YOUR WHOLE TANK. Adding any fish to your tank would have had the same results. If the clown was added first then the damsel would be in the clown's territory and it would be getting beat up on. You should have added the clown with the lights off and moved some of the live rock around.


I personally would get rid of the damsel they cause more problems than they are worth. My LFS doesn't carry damsels at all because of the aggression issues that they have and he does want to get them back when the customers realize that they are little a'holes.

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i had a perc by itself in a tank for a few months before adding a damsel, and the damsel still ended up picking on the clown. take the damsel back, and get something less agressive.

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right now, i have a true percula clown and a damsel in my nano-cube 12g... the true perc is a real menace, and the "real" boss of the tank. he/she terrorizes the damsel day and night if it dares wander into his/her territory. the moment the damsel gets too near my true percula, it starts chasing him and tries to nip its tail around half the tank. i rest soundly at night knowing that my percula is a bully. for once i get a fish that can stand up to others :)


keep in mind: the true percula was added ~2 months AFTER the damsel had the nano-cube to himself.


my take on the aggressiveness lies in the individuality of each fish. some will be more aggressive while others will be wussies... it's all a toss of a die when it comes to personality.

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first off, DAMSEL does not rhyme with DEVIL. Whoever said that is stupid. Second, the damsel is the biggest curse to your tank you will ever have. Net it out and say goodbye. They are $3.00 for a reason. They suck.


They tend to dominate a whole tank, regardless of its size (unless it's over 30g). Let that perc rock, let that damsel enjoy the ride down the toilet.

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actually, he does have an RBTA which he hosts in and sleeps in... that's his "territory" along with 75% of the tank


i quite enjoy seeing the damsel get beat up. after all, it is surival of the fittest. both fish are pigs and eat a lot, so it's a competitive tank :) once i setup my 40g tank the damsel will be sent back to the LFS and the clown will have the larger tank all to himself :)

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