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I just recieved my frag pack and have aclimated the corals and placed them in my tank. There was a problem with the post office and it took the corals 5 days to get to my house. Everything looks ok, but it got pretty cold last night and I am concerened about the amount of time they spent in the bags. Is 5 days too long for the corals to be out of a tank? I placed them in my tank, if they are dead will this hurt my water and the other stuff living in it. What does a dead coral look like?

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Five days is too long. You may not be out of luck though. What are your corals looking like now or how are they reacting so far. A dead coral sitting in transit will generally be mush. If you opened the bags and the water was not too nasty there is a chance. Also if the coral themselves, structure and base is not looking torn up or disintegrated in anyway, there is a chance they will recover.


Mainly the whole lost in transit issue is a gamble. Sometimes stuff will die quick, other times you'd be surprised what they can go through.


Keep checking the appearance, and give us some more detailed info, so we know the exact condition of the frags. Also, let us know the type of corals you ordered.


Hope this helps.

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It all depends on what kind of corals they are? Some fair better than others. What did you recieve in your coral pack?





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got 4 zoos and 1 candy cane. They seem like they might be opening up in my tank. Maybe just wishful thinking. I am going to the post office on monday to start *****ing. I AM good at that!

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