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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Collumn 37 Gal reef.


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I was looking through back pages the otherday.. and realized. that when chris made the swap of servers a while back, that my 37gal tank pic in this area was lost.... or I had never posted it.

Upon Multiple request, I decided to post my 37 collumn pics.



SO I figure it would be nice fer some of ya to see me and my 37 gal. Yeah, that freek next to the tank is suffering from "reef induced maddness...." its a serious dehabillitating disease. :D

18 x 20 x 25 H It is one of my 8 tanks, but is my fave by far.

It runs with a plethora of Liverock varieties weighing in around 65 #'s worth, 3 inch LSB aragonite/oolitic mix with a 1/4 inch lift plennumn.

A 250 W Iwasaki 67K MH W/ 2 x 32 W PC actinics. One PC remains on 24/7 the other for 12 hours with the Halide on for 10 in a CSL Prizim pendant ( AWESOME FIXTURE)


32 varous corals, SPS, LPS, Soft, Coralimorphs, actiniodiscus, zooanthids, Gorgonians, Xenia, sea mats, GSP, and featherdusters. 2 + dozen various snails, a few hermits, CBS and a pepermint, and 2 small urchins ( pencil and royal).

Fish complement: Sailfin tang (3.5 inches, and YES it is happy).

A mated pair Tomato Clowns, Six line Wrasse, and 2 Eectric blue Damzels. This tank is 3+ years running and has had only minor problems with Aiptasia, cyano and Hair algae 6 months ago due to crappy salt mix I used when I was out of my regular (Crystal Sea).

I use RODI water and exclusively TROPIC MARIN or www.aquacraft.net Bio-SEA salt / Marine Environment.



The tank runs purely on powerheads (2 Powersweep 212, 228 and 2 Aquaglobe micro 200's ) and occasional skimming and diatom filter and 4 watt U/V purification.


I dose 3 x a week with B-ionic and DT's. I feed mixed frozen and fresh seafoods puree` and OMEGA 1 FLAKE FOOD.

I also use Lougolis Iodine on occasion, Marc Weis Reef DNA & Black Powder, occasional "Pickleing Lime" as a Kalk Supplement, and Decapsulated Brine eggs as treats for my corals/fish.


enjoy ! yeah ..... I know... Im scary, but so are Clowns. :D

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tank at night. I custom rigged the ballast so I could throw the main on/off switch to power the second lamp, and have the other PC on a timer with the internal fan.

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and the prissy lill tomato who MUST be in every picture I atempt to take...... I swear she hams it up fer the camera.

Euphillia- Frogspawn with a pre-seperation (self fraging) head blister. This coral is over 6 years old and has been through a LOT of torture and various foul tank scenarios.

Im just glad it is still with me. :happy:

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Monti diggita... or Digita...Camera...

Monti diggita... or digita camera...


damn I am a FN'G.E.E.K. Stryfe: LOL


Montipora diggita wins. :D I have a buddy with a real 'spensive Digital Camera. He is going to shoot some soon.

I do have a few primo SLR's, but they are 35mm neg film.

trust me I can take good shots. ;)

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Originally posted by Strife

nice dave, someday i hope to see clear pictures of your tank(S)

book book book i want to see the boook. :D


Originally posted by Djm9288


actually, i think dave DOES want to eat you, djm. :|
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Dave; you are one scary looking dude! :P

J/K :woot:


Nice tank, but of course some nice piccies would be appreciated. Throw that webcam away! :D Get a decent digital camera, I'm sure you can sacrafice spending a few hundred bucks on corals and spend it on a nice digicam. :P

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  • 10 months later...

K so aparently some people are lazy, or can't seem to find "old stuff" of my tank reef pics, so here is a "Bump". I'll add updated pics soon.


Promise ;)



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