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Red looking Sprouts on LR?


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I have some red looking sprout like things growing on my LR. That is the best way to describe them. They are not hollow. The look like a seed that has sprouted. Not alot of them just a few do I need to be concerned?


The second thing I have is a red sponge like looking thing that is bigger than the size of a quarter. I looks fuzzy and it is obviously growing on my rock. Do you thing it's a sponge? My tank is cycled. Sorry I don't have a digital camera to take pictures.


Thanks for your help.



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Thank you for the web site. I didn't see any of my stuff on there. Bummer I'm a little worried about the sprout looking things. I think the fuzzy thing is a sponge, it's fat. But the sprouts, I don't know what that could be.

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Forgot to mention, you probably have a red ball sponge. I have a pink one on one of my rocks, they are reffered to as the boring sponge. You will probably have some pinapple sponges pop out later as well. all sounds normal and actually good.

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Think I know what he's talking about, and "sprouts" does describe them well I guess. Had them on all my live rock, just little red "sprouts" everywhere, never got longer than 1/4". Usually slightly curved over.

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That is just some Macro Alage. Don't know more than that. Though, I don't think I have ever seen any that were orange. The pic is of one of the many other things growing on this rock, this I can't Id yet, too small, but is this more like what you see? The first pic was just thin leaves.

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Originally posted by scatcat

Ok maybe I should say they come to a point at the top. Not so fat.




Are they thing like the macro in the very back of the picture I just posted? Another Macro alage, I think the name is dragon's teeth. Actually beautiful stuff.

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