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What is this thing?


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I found this thing a when I first got my rock, and just thought it was part of the rock work. About 2 days later after lights were off, I decided to turn them on and see if anything had came out. To my suprise this thing was open, after about a min of the lights being on, it closed and tucked itself closer to the rock (more shaded area). If you can't tell from the picture, it looks like a pistashio (yes, the nut that you eat). That's the only thing I can really compare it to. Just curious as to if this is good, or bad and what the heck it is. Hope you guys can ID it for me. Thanks

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Thanks for the ID. Just your basic oyster. Do I need to add anything into the tank for it to live?

Any Special Food or Requirments?

Does anyone second this ID?

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Another quick question. I have this strange sting type thing coming out of my rock, it's super small, and it looks like it's fishing. It goes out a ways, then pulls in, and might whip around a few times. Figure it's nothing bad, just curious as to what it is. I'd take a picture, but it's too small.

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I have a couple of hitchhiker oysters...well, really quite a few, but a couple of biggish ones. I don't feed them on purpose, but if I feed the tank I figure they get a little of whatever. They're growing fine. The fisher thing is a type of snail that hides in the rock; it releases a string of mucous, which sticks to stuff floating around in the water column, then the worm reels the mucous string back in and munches. I think it is called a serpula snail....

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that looks like a cleaner clam, as far as i know oysters don't move, the one i had for over a year never did

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If it's a string, webbish looking thing, its likely a vermetid gastropod. They build tube type shells, the same way snails do, by adding layers to the opening. It is fishing for food, casts its line, and pulls it back, eating the mucus and the food - yum! They are great little creatures - fun to watch - enjoy him!!

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lol, him. You mean them. I've looked over the past few days, and have spoted at least 9, varing from very small to almost 4in long strings. They're so cool to watch to. Does anyone know for sure what's in the pitcture above?


Also, I have a hole in my rock, in which there's a bunch of sand near the hole, as if somethings bringing sand into the hole to help hide itself, anyone know what might be in there?

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"Them?" Lucky you! Sounds like you have an interesting tank . . . I love LR - it's like a surprise bag!!! I have places in my rock where sand just poofs out - like a volcano - what's that all about?? Fun, eh?

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Yeah, it's a blast. I've been catching myself staring at my tank for at least an hour straight, looking at all the new life poping up out of no where. I think I find something new everyday. Night time is the best, since I have my moonlights, I can watch everything coming out at night. The pods are really neat to watch, as they run around and buzz around towards the surface.


Nobody knows for sure the ID of the clam/oyster in the pic?

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Alright, guessing no-one knows what it is then, or at least not for sure, since I have conflicting answers.


Also, I sometime hear a clicking noise from my aquarium. Is there anything besides a mantis shrimp that makes that noise? I don't have any pistol shrimp by the way, so it couldn't be that. That's the only 2 things I know of that make a clicking type noise. It's usually just one noticable click, maybe once or twice a day.

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You can have a pistol shrimp without meaning to....I have one that came on my live rock...Just reading the posts above, a pistol would also explain the construction efforts going on in a hole you were asking about!

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Hey, if you want to see your rock really come alive, try feeding it Combo-vital . . . it takes a week or two, but wow! Things really start coming around - you'll end up spending more than one hour at a time in front of your tank! I am a total rock junkie!

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