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Everything was fine then .... pretty desperate


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My nano has been chugging along with absolutely no probs until last nite ... when got up this am, the new flame angel (2 days) is dead, 1 peppermint shrimp died and the other 2 look not far off.


It's 2-3 months old, started with LS and LR, then damsels, then cleaner crew. Then added soft corals, etc then the flame and a tomato clown Thurs. LFS told hubby they would be OK. So I'm finding info that the angel is a problem so maybe he was doomed to die, but the shrimps tell me there's something wrong. All chemistry is within normal limits (ni,na,ammo,ph,ca,saline) and I did usual partial water change last nite. I'm desperate not to lose all my non-fish critters.


What's wrong and why can't I find it? No one looks sick except the shrimp which have turned darkish and sluggush. Shud I be testing for more things? What shud I do? (12g nanocube dx, no mods)

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well a flam angle needs a large tank, IF 30 or larger usualy. You also need to get the tomato clown in a larger tank soon, they grow quickly and get large, 7"

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o but I didnt really anwser your Q, the flam probibly died from stress of a small tank, and one of my peppermint shrimp just died, he looked bad and then died and got picked over. And my tank still looks, and looked pretty good. So if your corals look then dont worry about it.

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Wow...sorry to hear about that! I would do all tests over again,first off. You say Damsels. I take that as meaning at least two. All things said, it sounds like way too much,way too fast,for such a small tank. You might want to think about getting that clown out until you figure this out. Start with those tests again.



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Way too much in that tank, period.


You had how many fish in 12 gallons? WOWZA.


You can have one..maybe 2 fish in that much volume.




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I had a flame in my 55 gal FO who didn't make it. from what i've read and heard from other people is that flame angles can get stressed easily. i feel your pain.



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Stress kills most new fish. In that small of a space, especially with those damsels, he never had a chance. Tomoatos are pretty strong guys, but will definately out-grow you tank. I'd take him back, along with the damsels, and get a false perc pair or some gobies or blennies.

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I think it was a coincidence, everything is still fine, no other fish loss, 1 more shrimp gone. Now LFS admits angel was "sensitive", no warranty. The damsels were for cycling (3 small) and will go, just as soon as I can net them, no easy task. They've been around for 2 mos or more with pristine chemistry so they're obviously not too many. If someone has a trick for netting, I'd like to know.


BTW, I also have a 65g just started cycling up. Tomato can go over when he gets bigger, he's too small now to be playing with the big boys planned for it.


This was much easier and faster to cycle and manage than freshwater (many years). I had much more fish loss, whacked out chemistry and at least 2X the cycling time in freshwater. I've had nothing but rock solid chemistry since 2 weeks in.


Thanks to all.

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