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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lemonpeel Vs. Pygmy Angelfish


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I do not have a reef tank and plan on not making my tank a reef tank ever. Basically I am wanting to know which one of these fish is a better fish to get? What I mean by this is, I want to know which one has more personally than the other? I have read decriptions for both of these fish and I can't quite decide on what one to get? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


Tanks stats as of today:


45lbs lr

10g sump/refugium

1 sixline wrasse

2 false clowns


I plan on adding later:

1 angelfish

1 blenny

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I would go with the pygmy. The lemon peel gets a little big for a 29g tank. I beleive a lemon get like 4-5 inches, while a pygmy usually doesn't get any bigger than 2.5-3 inches. The pygmy would be much happier in that tank than the lemon peel.


The pygmy's have a more intersting attitude anyway. They are pretty neat little fish. In my opinion, from my experience, lemon peel are not nearly as hardy as the pygmys.


Get an atlantic pygmy or a african pygmny. You will like it i promise!

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thanks for the reply. I was planning on not adding any more fish after the blenny and angel anyways. I do like the fact that the pygmy angel looks more cooler than lemonpeel in the first place. But thanks again for letting me know a little more about the lemonpeel and pygmy angel :).



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