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Coral question


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Ok im sure im going to get a bunch of people ready to march over to my house with pitchforks by saying this. I am 24 years old and taking care of parents house while they are living elsewhere. When i was younger i helped landscape the yard, with dead corals or live rock that are now illegal to get. (i guess it became illegal because they were harvesting them) My question is could i put one in my tank when i start it? I mean i know i could, but would it eventually harbor growth? I have at least 400-500 pounds of this stuff lined around our flowerbed. It is basicly 2 types a red porus type with lots of deep holes, and a white type with a lot of cyrstals all over it. I have no doubt this stuff was from the sea.


I care about the enviroment and would have never let my parents get these ,if i had known about how things worked when i was younger.


I am still gathering all of my stuff for my tank, and planning on gettings some Figi when i start. I just wanted to know if i threw in a rock or 2 if it would become something better than just a decoration.

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You can use it but you may have to "seed" the rock with some live rock and wait for a while until the flora and fauna grow from the live rock and eventually seed your rock. HOWEVER, if it lined a flowerbed, it may have picked up insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers which would make the tank's water parameters a living hell to deal with becuase of the acculmulation of phosphates, etc.I would soak it in freshwater for a few days and see howw much debris comes out of it! I might shy away from the red porous rock as it may have picked up a lot of contaminants, keep us posted. I would definetely use it as a base-rock and put your fresh living rock on top. Bravo to help make a better use for it!

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Well here is the deal right now i soaked a rock and i have it in my tank at the moment. I just havent started the saltwater setup up because i am still putting my equipment together. I have my beta swimming around my 20gal untill then with one of the dead rocks. Things look pretty good, but then again it is freshwater in there at the moment. I am peeking outside and have my eye on the next rock, for when i put my live rock in later!

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