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What fish for a 20 long?

10" Red Devil

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10" Red Devil

Need ideas for fish for a 20 gallon, looking for the not so standard fare.


I have kept six-line wrasse, psuedochromis, etc. Any ideas welcome thanks!

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Blind Tree Frog

Scorpion Fish? Can't remember how much space they need. Feeding is all live food though.



Sorry meant lion fish. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/scateg....g.cfm?pCatId=36


They seem to be claiming 30 gallon minimum for the post part (one is 50 I saw), but for the longest time their bottom limit was 30 for everything, so if it's the only fish and you know what you are doing, I guess it could be possible to do it in a 20. One of the smaller ones at least.


But it definitly seems to be a "Be sure you know what you are getting into" type suggestion. I'm not sure if the 30 gallon suggestion is because of swimming habits or hiding or copepod production or something else or even just because they don't know and put a number in there.

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10" Red Devil

Yeah well I was planning on doing shrimp and other sessile inverts so icsnay on the lionay.


Thanks anyway though.

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Clowns, Chromises, Blennies, Grammas, Gobies, Ect...


If you just housed 3 Blue/Green Reef Cromises, that would be realy cool, they would school and eerything ;)

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10" Red Devil

Yeah I thought you had to have 5 or more for them to school?


Although they would eventually get too big for a 20 long really.

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well a 20g long is as long as a 29g tank. it has the same surface area. so you could put about 4-5 small fish in it. some chromis can get big.i think they would need a longer tank to swim around. you could do a pair of clowns, a royal gramma, and a goby of some sort.

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I haev 2 green chromis, adn they dont school btu they run togeather sometimes. And I'm gonna add a possum wrass and a manderin, yea I know but I have millions of pods, and when I get the 55 gal sump a goby of some sort. I also have a peppermint shrimp but plan to add an anemone shrimp for my 3.5" ricordia

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10" Red Devil

How is getting a 55 gallon sump going to help you with your mandarin? Are you thinking it will add more pods to the tank or more surface area because you think you might be overcrowding? I was told that a refugium under the tank will not help pod populations in the display, because the pods get killed in the return pump.


Yeah I have done chromis and gramma before I am looking for something new and unusual.



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Well I'm actauly shure I hav enough pods for the manderin. But the 55 gal sump is to deal with the added bio load later on. But I have seen pods get sucked up in my pump then get shot out of my returns. However I do plan on making a graity fed fuge after the swap.

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My Fuge is Grvity fed. I just have a Rio-600 Pushing it in there and It is FULL of pods and such. At night you can see them coming from the return.

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Pods wont' all get killed by the return pump, only a few of them will. Lots of people use a sump for a pod breeding ground.


Blennies are really cool fish. Look into fang blennies, midas blennies, and barnacle blennies.

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Blennies have the best personalities of any fish I've ever seen. They're like dogs, IMHO. (Awesome). ;) I have a true perc clown (hosts in a RBTA and frogspawn), Pygmy Cherub angel, and mandarin in my 20L. Still waiting until I can find a nice tank-bred orchid dottyback to complete my fish collection.

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