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royal gramma + swissguard basslet???


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I've got a royal gramma in my 10-gal FOWLR, and he's doing great. Eats like a pig, and loves to show off for my friends. I'm trying to decide which other fish to add in the tank with him...what do you think the odds are that he would get along with a swissguard basslet? I know I can't have 2 royal gramma's in the same tank, and the swissguard is a basslet too but looks so different that I don't think they will see each other as a threat.


If not the swissguard, what else would you recommend?


B) Billy

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I would think a RG is enough for a 10g, considering they're pretty territorial, I had one that was very hostile to the crabs and snails in the tank, yet he was nice as can be before I added my crabs and snails, so I'm not sure what else you could add. Hope I helped some. Take care. Hunter

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Thanks Hunter.


Everything I've read says that RG are peaceful community fish, and I also heard they are much more peaceful than, say, a bicolor pseudochromis (which looks about the same). I did a lot more research over the weekend and it seems that a RG + any other basslet = war. But I've got a black and white true perc clown in QT right now (meant for my 75-gal), so maybe I'll add him and see how that goes - if it doesn't work I'll just put him into my 75-gal as originally planned. Thanks!

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Never add the same species of fish to the same tank as they will fight to death or unless they are a maited pair! Even though you may think about adding the same species of fish to a large tank you still could end up with problems in the long run. Check the Live Aquaria's Marine Compatibility Chart to see what fish are compatible with each other.



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Originally posted by reefer21

Never add the same species of fish to the same tank as they will fight to death or unless they are a maited pair!

by this do you mean ANY SPECIES? or just the one species being referred to in the original post of this thread?

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The one species refered to in the thread. It's better to go with a totally different fish, than get the same fish from the same common name. That way you will be better safe than sorry and not have to waste $$ becasue one of your fish killed the other one. Also similar body shape has problems as well, because most fish (not all) will mistake them for their own kind. I know from personal expirence that basslets will tend to fight no matter what kind it is.

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WEll, I may have been sleeping while I was minoring in Biology in college, but unless they can mate and produce fertile offspring than they are not the same "species". They may be in the same "family" or "genus" but that is not the same.


SO when people say "don't keep two of the same species in the same tank" my scientific mind reads that as meaning "don't put two royal grammas in the same tank" because to my knowledge (and hey, I could be wrong!) RG's are not the same species as swissguards. I believe they are 2 separate species in the basslet family.


It sounds like you are all advising me not to put any basslets together at all, and I appreciate your advice. Thats why I asked the question. But it does get confusing when you guys start referring to different fish as the same species when they aren't, makes it damn hard for me to figure out what you mean.

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There are many types of clown fish just like the basslet, but can you mix a maroon clown and a black percula clown. Odds are they will fight. If you want to take a chance then try it out.

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humm...well I think you will have severe conflicts if you try it out. But if you want to try it out, go ahead and tell us how it went ???.


this was taken from live aquaria's website and is talking about basslets in general:



Reaching and average length of two inches in captivity, Basslets are colorful, hardy, and generally peaceful, although they may become territorial. If more than one member of the species is added to the aquarium, add these fish simultaneously, as severe conflicts may arise. Offer these fish plenty of hiding places.


just my 2 cents

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Originally posted by reefer21

The one species refered to in the thread. It's better to go with a totally different fish, than get the same fish from the same common name. That way you will be better safe than sorry and not have to waste $$ becasue one of your fish killed the other one. Also similar body shape has problems as well, because most fish (not all) will mistake them for their own kind. I know from personal expirence that basslets will tend to fight no matter what kind it is.

whew, ok :) because i thought you mean you can't have more than 1 of any species, which didn't sound right to me.

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