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Cultivated Reef

white speck on shrooms


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Can you tell me what these white specks on my new mushrooms are and should I worry? They are there during the day but seem to disapear after the lights go out. The shrooms have been in my tank for 36 hours.







Thanks again,



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move them to lower light area of your tank, it is stressed. those are guts. most of the time the come from the center, but sometimes they come out from all over. move it to a sort of shady spot, and over a couple weeks move it to where you want it :) jennifer

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I guess thats better than something eating them:*(


They are 3/4 of the way down in a standard JBJ 24G Nano cube. If I move them to a shady spot they will be in a high flow area. I think I've read they don't like that either. When I put them in I found a few turbos upside down that had died. Ammonia had spiked to 1.0 but nitrite and nitrate were at zero. I did a 40% water change put in SW Bio-Spira. Current water readings are;

Amonnia .1,

nitrite 0,

nitrate 0,

SG 1.0215,

kh 9


Could this be the cause? Should I still move them into the shade with the high flow?




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That was measured using my swing arm, now I've got the refractometer and it shows that my old plastic lunk was measuring .015 low. So it was at 1.023 and is now at 1.024. I'm topping off with salt water to bring it up to 1.025. My pH is at 8.0 I'm adding Kent pro Buffer to bring that up as well.


The white spots are now gone they don't open fully but have great color, So I'll hang in while they adjust.


thanks for the help.


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