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Question about Birds Nest Coral or other light needy corals


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How tall does a Birds Nest coral get? I can find lots of other info on it, but not how tall it gets...


I'm planning out where corals will be going in my tank, and want to put some nice ones on this large rock ledge which ranges from 2 1/2 inches to 4 inces from the surface. Something like a birds nest would be cool up against the back glass on this ledge.


Anyway, if anyone has one or experience with them, let me know how tall yours was? Or any suggestions for other corals to put that close to the lights (92 watts over main tank, nanocube). Its a large ledge, about 4-5 inches by 8 inches wide. I have a few zoos up there now.


Much appreciated,


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Birdsnest, like any other SPS don't have a set max size. They'll just keep growing. They can be fragged and kept to whatever size you want though.

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Thats good to know, I didn't realize that. But if I kept some of these branching SPS under 3 inches by fragging when necessary, would they look all chopped? Or do they compensate by growing bushier (like bonsai)?




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"under 3 inches"....that's a bit closely groomed...a lot of times if you keep them THAT small you aren't going to enjoy the full growth form of the colony. I'd give em a bit more room than that.




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