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Cultivated Reef

Chili not doing so good!


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Hey Folks, quick ?? for those of you that have any experience with Chili coral. I just picked up a small frag from one of my LFS. Its been in my 12 for about 4 days and is looking very flacid all of a sudden. I have it in a moderate to high flow area and I recently did a water change. All my params look normal. Oh, I also added some Marine phytoplancton. any advice would be grately apreciated. The red Chili is a great color addition to my nano and I would hate to loose it! Thanks! :P

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I just realized that shortly after posting that. Thanks Brokken. I did read that discusion. It was very informative. I moved my frag to a shadier place for the time being and I purchased some epoxy putty today, to mount him in a more natural position. I had no idea Chilis could be such an interesting coral. Their nocturnal feeding habits are amazing. Your discusion has really sparked my interest further. Thanks again!

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