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Foxface in a 20g


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I have a foxface that I am thinking of putting in my 20g partly to control the incredible amount of hair alge I've got and partly because I have to take down my 55g for technical reasons. Now I know a foxface in a 20 sounds a bit ridiculous but can I get some advice on what I should do with it. I have no one that I could give it to and the LFS will give me crap for it and I hate them because of their customer service. I'm thinking that although it may be cramped, it should be able to manage without any major problems in a 20g. Currently I only have 2 clowns in their both about 1.5" or less and a skunk cleaner shrimp. I know its going to be close and cramp, but overall, do you think that it is possible to keep it in there successfully?

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He is about 4-5 inches long. I'm thinking of setting up a 75-100 gallon tank in about year when I've got all the money saved up to buy the necessary equipment at once, at that moment I'll probably take down my 20g and cannabolize/sell it to get the other one going. He's fairly sized although I know they grow bigger but I've only got two clowns currently in my 20 gallon. It will only be a temporary move. I half want to do it to get rid of the enormous (its disgusting) amount of hair aglae I've got growing and half because I have no other choices but to give him up.

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Well... I'm a firm believer in controlling your nutrient levels to battle algae, not adding fish/snails/whatever... But... I suppose if you just kept him in there and watched him carefully, he could do the job for you... I'd say just be responsible and watch him carefully. If he doesn't look good, take him in to the LFS for whatever they'll give you. My suggestion would be to put him in the classifieds and trading posts here and on ReefCentral. That way you can use him while you need to, then maybe get something out of him from another reefer... Best of luck.

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You're right... A foxface in a 20 gallon is ridiculous. For temporary living due to necessity I could see it, but there's no way it'll survive long term in a tank that size.

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Get a sea hare- dobabella species


No more algaes- I had a SERIOUS hair algae issue in my 75. I use RO water only, tried phosban, rowaphos, emerald crabs, snails, blennies. Nothing really worked.


My sea hare had all teh algaes gone in about 3 weeks.


I supplement his diet with seaweed to make sure he is getting enough food now.


Wonderful creature!

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The prime reason he is in there is not because of the algae. I just hope the tank will benefit from him in the algae control sector. I'd like to get him out of there but as of right now I have no idea what else to do with him. I expected this was going to come but I thought I might be able to keep him for longer until I can get a bigger tank going. Currently I see him (right now I'm looking at the tank) and he's grazing on algae. I really feel sorry for him because he is always scared when I open the door to the room, spikes and changes colors, and hides in the corner.


Well anyways for now he looks uncomfortable and cramped yet healthy, which is my primary concern regarding him.


I think I will take Kogut's advice and put him up for sale/trade. Anyone interested please PM me. I'll also put a post up in the classifieds and trading forum.



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