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problems with frags


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I am having problems making my mushroom stick to my rock..i am trying super glue but it just comes off in a couple of min...the way that i do it is i dry the rock off then put the glue on the rock and sitting the shroom on the rock..any help would be good

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do you just have a shroom that isn't on a rock? If so, I would use tooth picks. Just take the shroom and place it on the rock, then stab the shroom and put the toothpick throug the rock. it should only take about 3 days for it to be attached well.

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bridal veil works pretty nice too.


lay down some bridal veil

Lay the mushroom face down on bv

lay rock (small frag) on mushroom

lift and rubber band bv behind rock.(not to tight!)

Age 2 weeks and cut rubberband off


then you could glue the frag to what ever you like

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Dude never ever ever super glue shrooms with out them already bieng atatched to a small piece of ruble and then glueing that piec to a rock. You will kill the animal eventualy by trying to do this.

Just place the lose shroom, shroom's in a cup with a lid and plenty of holes in it along with some ruble. Place the container in good current for a couple days or so and they will atatch on thier own.

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