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Poll - Skimmer Removal


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When I first set up my 10-gal, I SWORE I'd only skim during the initial cycle. Here I am, seven weeks later and still skimming. I'd like to know who skims and who doesn't on tanks 10 gallons or less?


I'm well aware of the advantages/disadvantages of skimming a small tank. For some reason I just can't bring myself to unplug my skimmer (yep, I'm wimp material).

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If you have already blown the money on a skimmer, just keep using it.


Also, I think someone already posted this poll quite a while back and it came out about 50/50 if I remember right.

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I'm with oscar! If you do water changes, don't worry about the trace element depletion thing! Skimming is a benifit even in small tanks, IMO. However, I do not believe it to be nessicary, either.

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I've been skimmerless for pretty every reef I've ever had except my first reef. I just have better luck without them.


On my 7 I just use a HO filter with a surface skimmer attachment. On my 150 system just overflow boxes with micron bag filters.


If you've got the skimmer I'd probably just use it and leave it. Personally I like trying to balance my livestock to "feed" or eachother. It's kinda tricky but cool when it is narrowed down. On my skimmerless tank I usually do a %10-%20 water change every 6-8 weeks. I do go longer depending on how things look.



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I know the skimming vs. not skimming issue has been beat to death. I've read all the archive posts. I just wanna know who does and who doesn't skim as of today. I know the benefits/drawbacks.



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Ever since the owner of my LFS (who has been reefing for 15+ years) told me that skimmers are completley useless, I decieded that I dont need to run one.

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i do run skimmers in most my nanos but i wouldnt spend a whole lot of $$ on one just DIY. also take into consideration the amount of matter your emptying from your collection cup. any tank i dont skim i add bact. to every 3rd water change.

hope i helped

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I don't skim- I'm with Mnesarchus- keep it simple. I prefer it a la natural with as little human/chemical/mechanical/ whatever intervention as possible. I practice benign neglect and I haven't had near the problems a lot of the people on this board have had, no algae problems whatsoever and a totally healthy tank (aside from the candy cane coral I told you about).



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Due to my SPS and heavy bioload..I NEED to skim...I have a FULL tank of sps and Zooanthids..with about 11 fish..hahaahaha..


flame angel

bangaii cardinal

lawnmower blenny

blue/yellow blenny

old men's goby

spotted goby

3 barnicle blenny

sailfin blenny

gold stripe maroon clown

(finally caught the spotted wrasse and returned him back to the LFS)


2 Cleaner shrimps

peppermint shrimp

tiger tail cuc

2 queen conch

10 Nars. Snails


14 different SPS

25 different Zoanthids

4 different Ricordias

Neon Orange Plate Coral

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I skim many of my tanks, mostly the 75- Gallon or larger ones.


I do skim the pair of 40 breeders that I house my SPS frags in as well.


I do not skim my nanos (6-gallon, 10-gallon, 20 Gallon Long) - except that I do have a Skilter on the 20. (I am not sure that counts!) and, honestly I hardly ever do any water changes on them either. That is with a VERY low bioload- hardly any fish.


How is the 6-line doing on the flat bastages?

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I think I lucked out with my 6-line. I know it's a crapshoot as to whether or not they'll eat flatworms. But I've only had him for five days now, and there are now only a few flatworms visible (there literally were hundreds before). I get a huge grin on my face every time I see him eat one.


A potential problem, though - he's eaten all the visible pods, too. There were hundreds of those as well. And since I can't get him to eat flakes or anything that's NOT alive, I'm researching what to use for a refugium to keep his food supply going. I want the CPR AquaFuge, but I refuse to spend over $100 for a piece of plastic. Glazer is using a Kritter Keeper ($10) for his fuge, so I think I'm gonna follow his lead and set one up.


So Darren, looks like I'll be ordering some sand & rock from you within a few days...

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  • 1 month later...

I bought my aquafuge (4 gal. model) for 90 bucks and I think it's the greatest fuge when it comes to plumbing (basically none) and space, (basically none as well..) And I've never used a skimmer either.. my tank is thriving without one, there's no reason to add one now..

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I don't skim, but if I had a fish in there I might reconsider it. I think it's one way to go, but not the only way to go. I like to apply the perl programming motto to everything I possibly can: There's more than one way to do it.

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I hate to keep bumping this thread up, 'cause I KNOW everyone's sick of it (me included), but does anyone know of a small skimmer that will fit inside an 18" AquaFuge (4 inches wide)?


Don't really care about the rating - I'm pulling very little foam out with my Bak Pak, so I just need something to "lightly" skim.

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Piccelo. There are small wooden air-stone driven skimmers that sorta suck, but they fit and will hang on. They are make by a german company me thinks.

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Well we know nobodies sure the poll was a 50/50 split. I don't have one on my 10 gal but I do on my 29 Gal. With water changes you really don't need one on a 10 Gal.

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With water changes you really don't need one on a 10 Gal
That's [iF] you do everything else perfectly...ie, don't overfeed, overstock, etc. (unlike myself, who recently had to re-install my skimmer because of excessive nutrients and a HUGE algae problem).


Also depends on what you keep.

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I think Coralife makes a small skimmer (the Super Skimmer I) that's pretty much the same as the Piccolo. You can buy it at Big Gay Al's Big Gay Online Aquarium Supply and other fine retailers. (Sorry, thanks to South Park even my wife can't resist calling that place "Big Gay Al's". One time they phoned to confirm an order and without thinking about it she called out, "Steve, it's Big Gay Al on the phone!") :blush::D

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Saunders Piccolo. Jeez. no one is resourcefull anymore. Like ###### can be shipped around the world in less than a day.:P ( just depends on the dirrection the plane is flying)

Ross already go his answer from me on AIM, but here is a link fer the masses.




AND yes, Damn Skippy... Ross.

I B Da Man. :D

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