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Coral Vue Hydros

can anyone id this algae?


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this stuff only grows in my fuge, it adheres to the side walls of my aqua fuge, and sometimes in my cheato. the algae grows in small dense clumps. the first pic is one of the domes that i scraped off the fuge, the second is as close up as i could get, they little branches are very slimy and hard to pul apart, and the are a little bit plump.




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I had that in my tank. I removed the glass from my MH lights and forgot about it for around an hour. I replaced the glass and had no adverse affects to my coral but all the algae died within 2 days and hasn't come back. That was atleast 6 months ago.



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One of my LFS sells that as a "very tasty" tang food. I think they call it ona(?). Once they open, I'll call and get a positive ID. Funny, cause I thought it looked like red cheato as well. ;)

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I called my LFS,and she said that she calls the algae "ogo", which I googled, finding that "ogo" refers to several types of edible gracilaria sp. I haven't been able to find and exact picture id, though.

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thankks, that gives me somewhere to start looking, i thought it might be some bad stuff, it just showed up on the acrylic of my fuge one day, i will take some to a friend that has a tang and see what happens :) jen

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