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Elegance coral is falling apart?


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I purchased this huge elegance coral about a week ago. This past weekend I noticed that a few of the tentacles looked as if they had been ripped off. As the days went by more and more of the coral is not opening up as it used to and a white cotton-looking substance is surrounding the tentacles. The coral is coming out some in the shape of a bubble, but not like it originally did. I have a powder brown tang, a maroon clown, a purple tang, cleaner shrimp, 3 hermit crabs, and an emerald crab. Not sure if any of these guys have been messing with it. Any recommendations?

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Majority of C. jardinei are not faring well these days for unfound reasons. I would not recommend them at this point in time. Acclimation is always a concern as is placement. Have you messed with it much since placement?


If you could provide a pic it would help since it could be any number of maladies that affects these corals. Are the tentacles dissolving? Does it look as if the entire polyp is bailing out of its skeleton?

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elegance have been doing poorly in aquaria for years, most people think its a bacteria thst hit them hard in captivity. try a lugols dip and in the future, if you dont know about it, dont buy it.

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Will post pics tonight when I get home. Only thing that I know that happened earlier last week was the damsel that I had before would pick at it. I got rid of the damsel, but not sure if something is hurting it now. The tentacles do look like they are disintegrating, but when I turn the lights off the entire coral retracts into the skeleton. Not sure if it is trying to come out of it or not. Will send pics. Will this contaminate my tank? Should I get rid of it or wait to see if it will get better?

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Tank is about a year old, but just bought it from a guy a month ago. Checked the water last week and everything was fine, but calcium was 360. I started adding liquid calcium every day since last wednesday. Lighting system is 65 watt 10,000K and 65 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin base compact fluorescent lamps.

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New to the reef thing, but bought it from my local fish store. The owner told me to just drop it right in without acclimation, but know I realize that was a stupid thing to do. I wonder if that could have caused this problem? It was doing really well the first 4 days.

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Yes, no acclimation is not good. I usually acclimate corals for at least 2hrs regardless of species. Is the skin actually sloughing off? Never used aragamilk, but I do use bi-ionic. The uv is not necessary, overkill I'd say.

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I must agree w/ the other posts, but recently talked to a LFS owner who stated that the elegance likes to be 'supported.' He said to place on substrate so that the polyps/mantle whatever you want to call it can rest and not hold itself up. You could try that, and pray alot.

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You dont "research" much do you?


Acclimation is over-rated... I rarely acclimate more than 5 minutes unless I'm dealing with echinoderms or a particularily testy subject.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. This forum is awesome and I know I will be on every day now:). I tried to take some pics last night but my camera battery was dead. Will take some tonight. The coral actually seems a little better today. I wonder if it is doing something that it is supposed to :D ..I HOPE!!

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a pic of the setup would be very helpful.


one of the fish could be bothering it. it's been known to happen but not necessarily the case.


how is the flow on the coral? i'd suggest a light (1"~2"/sec.) to medium (3"~4"/sec.) current on the coral. billowing versus constant flow imo.


siphon out what you can of the rotting flesh or whatever that cottony stuff is. i'm not one to dip corals but some additonal lugol's in the system (careful, very easy to OD) can help ime.


watch the system to see if anything's irritating it, i.e. fish, crab, coral, salt creep, etc.


agreed with the others that it's not a very successful coral from the specimens i've seen/heard in recent years.

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Originally posted by BKtomodachi

You dont "research" much do you?


Acclimation is over-rated... I rarely acclimate more than 5 minutes unless I'm dealing with echinoderms or a particularily testy subject.


Your acclimation statement is a bold opinion most professionals would not agree with.

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beg to differ based on what?


The opinion of many professionals and experienced hobbiests who I trust and respect very much. Anything else?

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So are you saying that you have good sucess with just temp equalization? I do have to agree somewhat here, because I did something that might be considered "stupid". I had just bout a red brain, neon green fungia, and elegance coral, and a bicolor dottyback, and a blue-leg hermit, and everything else before that(many other corals, inverts, and a fish) and had just let the temps equalize and ploped them in the tank before I knew what aclimation was. My elegance was doing very well too. Untill I moved it higher in the tank, but im moving it back to where it was. I think that "support" thing is a possibility because when mine was well cradled, it opened well, now its more in the open and it opens less.


Now for aclimmation though, I do ad a little bit of water from my tank to the bag for 15-20 minutes after it has sat for 15 minutes....then I put it in. Sometimes I barely put any water in(1/4 cup into a bag with 2 cups).



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Lol, nah, its still doing good, just not happy with being higher up. I need to spot feed again, havent done it in the last 2-3 weeks, lol.


Yeah I'll get pics once I move it back and feed it.



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the last few articles i have read about elegance corals seem to state that our tanks are actually to clean. these corals come from turbid water where the soil is actually being stirred up. some people who have success keeping them have to stir the sand around the coral. so you might want to try that. Every day creat a little sand storm around the elegance coral.

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Hmm, I was thinking that maybe the problem was there was too much crap around it and too much current, because it was in lower current and I had less alage and gunk before, but I'll try that. I just moved it earlier today to a new spot, We'll see how it does. Thanks Leaf!



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