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Coral Vue Hydros

Lets see those gobies


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Gobies are frickin' SWEET. Definately gonna get one when the tank is ready, just don't know which. I've narrowed it down to either a Mandarin or a Yashia(sp?). The Mandarin looks like it breaths fire and shoots lightnin' bolts from its arse, but I could probably get free satellite if I hooked the TV t the Yashia's dorsals. Tough choice.

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nice pics everbuddy those are some great fish so much personatily mine will fight any one who gets near his little cuby hole lol its funny hes such a little tuff guy

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I'll have to get pics of my fish this weekend... That green clown goby above...how long have you had it? Mine looks relatively fat compared to that now and much much brighter (not trying to knock or anything, just curious).



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just so yo uknow trader i've seen pink spots over 8 inches at my local lfs. they get huge! the owner trys to seel me one every time she has one in becuase she know i like gobies. lol :D

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