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Is this a mojano???


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I have 2 pics. This thing spreads pretty fast, but they shouldnt be hard for me to remove. They are actually kind of pretty, but if they will overrun my tank then I dont want them.



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So should I definantly just wipe them out? It shoulnt be too hard to get to them since they really stand out a lot and I pretty much know where all of them are.


I have to admit the are kind of pretty:)



EDIT: This post was pretty much the exact same as my first. I feel kind or stupid now:blush:

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I would say yes, but isolate a few to a rock and keep them. I like the way they look but they are distructive if they get too crazy

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I think I will just wipe them out becuase they have gotton alllllllllll the way across my tank from just one spot. I dont think just keeping them on a rock will work becuase the could just go to other rocks. So what is the best way to kill these guys? Lemon Juice? Kalk?

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