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Looks like a clear badminton birdie...


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It's about the size of a bb, it's clear and looks just like a little birdie that use when playing badminton. It tends to stay near the surface, it kinda float down then propells itself upwards with a couple strong thrusts, then drifts for a little bit more and does the same thing over and over.... I'll try to get a pic of it later.

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Actually, it sounds like it's niether. Hydroids and q-tip sponges don't move. That is, they are attacthed at a base. Although, a hydroid is an early form of a jellyfish.


But, anyway, it sounds like a jellyfish to me :). There are threads about them on the forum. Just scroll on over to the top_search.gif button.



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BTW....a "badminton birdie" is actually called a shuttlecock....don't ask me why I know this.


I apparently have a plethora of useless knowledge.

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hehe i guess i am the only one that gets the sponges floating in my tank, sometimes for a few hours due to the current in my tank before it is sucked up. :)

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reef hugger

Eilodon is correct, it is the medusa stage of a hydroid swimming around. They are fairly common hitchhikers. There have been a couple of threads with exactly what you are describing here. Do a search for jellyfish like jmt suggested. Though they are not true jellyfish, ppl usually refer to them as such.

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True, a lot of people classify them as jellyfish, but medusae are the reproductive form of the hydroid. Although, they are similar looking.


For the sake of simplicity, that's what I refer to them as. Since most consider the hydroid to be attatched at the base and the jellyfish to be the free swimming form.


But, the form attatched at the base is makes up the hydranths and the "jellyfish" form makes up the medusae.


But, if you're going to do a search, look for "jellyfish" or "medusa". Those are the 2 most common words used to name the creatures.

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Originally posted by TheCheat

I believe you have saltwater shuttlecock. Not dangerous.

Also keep your eye out for whiffle balls and the like. :)






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