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Coral Vue Hydros

Eagle Eye zoos - Seattle, or anywhere


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These are the real EE's, not just plain orange center with a green skirt. I have a couple of frags of these available. I'm including a photo from fragpacks, because my camera is terrible--can't get detail--and because I have no site to upload to, and the max size of uploads here is SO small! But mine look EXACTLY like theirs. I'm in Seattle, and a local trade would be great, but shipping could be alright. I'm looking for pretty much anything, but especially colorful zoos and unique LPS.




I also have some other zoos: the first are what ReefEnvy called "Orange Envy" zoos, being traded for Acan LORDS(!) on frags.org--they're basically deep orange PPEs, with a bright green mouth; again, mine are exactly like theirs.




I also have some violet center/reddish-brown skirt zoos. Can't find photos of anything like them anywhere; they're pretty simple yet unique. I'll try to upload a crappy photo.....

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Of course that didn't work. Oh well. Just email me for the pics. I also got some pics of my Orange Envys.

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I know, I know. I have a pic, it just sucks. Got it last night, posted it on RC but not here:



Okay, can't link to other places...Gotcha. Just email for my photo, if you really want it; looks just like the one above, except really crappy. The zoos are the same.

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you got them from reefenvy.com? he hasnt had the envy ornages available for a long time, ive tried to get them. if you got them directly from him, then id be interested. otherwise, practice with the camera, lol.


good luck


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Well, my camera washes everything out. Plus, the file limit on this site is VERY tiny, so I'll post a photo of the mother colony, but it'll look like mud. You COULD just ask me to email you.. You know, send me your email address.

There are another type of zoo mixed in on the rock, bright orange center with pine-green (NOT brownish-green/army green) ring, and the skirt is neon green on the outer half and white/sky blue on the inner half. You can choose whether or not you want them included.

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Well, its full capacity seems to keep getting smaller and smaller. First "full" meant 13 messages, then 9, then 8, then 7, and now I think I only have 6 or 7 messages. I'll check it in a sec. It really doesn't make sense to me, though it is driving me nuts.

Either way, on the EE's, I'm no longer selling any more frags, now only trading. But I do have some awesome quad-color zoos that are 4 different shades of bright green (not army green/brown) that I'll be selling for cheap. New post will be up tomorrow, with photos asap.

If you try to message me and it says that the box is full, just email me. I check my email about a million times a day, so I'll get back to you quickly.

Sorry for the inconvenience, guys!

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tried sending pm, but your box is full. i am very interested in buying the eagles and the envy zoos. i like in N.Y. so just tell me the price for the zoos and shipping. also would like to see better pics to make sure they are yours.


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Picocube - Duh! Thanks. :happy: I seriously hadn't thought of that.

Box is cleared now.


Green-Day711 - Shipping will depend on which carrier (USPS, Fedex/UPS) and method (priority 2-3 day, overnight) you want, and how many frags you get.

As far as the price of the zoos, I'd prefer to trade rather than sell; do you have anything? I love colorful zoos, mushrooms, LPS, some other stuff. LMK what you've got.

If not, I might still sell outright--I just don't want to end selling off all of my zoos!

Feel free to just email me; it's easier that way.

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Oh, and I do have a couple of pics, will try to post tonight or I'll email them to you. That last pic I posted of the full colony of EE's is mine--that's the largest this site would let me upload.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Are those Alien-Eye Palys pink or brown? And what's your lighting setup?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just let me know, ImAnanoReefer.

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Caesar777- about your mailbox being at capacity at low numbers, delete your sent messages and tracking messages.

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I know, I have. But many people don't know how to just leave a thread whole--everyone likes to delete the original message, so I have to keep eight different PM's from them to know what was said. (Like which frags for which, or when a shipping date is, etc.)

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