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any advice will help. i just put a small rock with a group of mushrooms in my tank a couple days ago. they seemed to be adapting really well for the most part. but this morning i just noticed a small white spot on one of the red mushrooms. not too sure what thats about. is it dying? need more light? (the other mushrooms are doing good) again anything will help me out. thanks.

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update me on the white spot, is it getting bigger? has it changed at all? do you have them close to the light or low in your tank.It most probably is an injury, if your water is good, it should heal up on its own.

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its not @ the bottom but not in the middle. the spots have stayed pretty consistant. they're more like stripes on it, they're not taking over the mushroom though. good water?

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thanks everyone. ill keep up with the water and tests.hopefully it is just that... a marking. we'll see. ill keep you up dated. thanks again.

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