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Mike's 12 gallon eclipse


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Here is my 12 gallon eclipse


My specs are:

12 gallon eclipse bowfront tank

10 lbs live sand

18 lbs live rock

Quad 96 watt PC

no filtration (just powerhead for circulation)


2 blue damsels

1 Yellow Watchman Goby

1 Algae Blennie


1 Pistol Shrimp

8 or so hermits

5 snails

1 green brittle star

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Thank you very much, they are some of my favorites. The biggest shroom is 3 inches wide, but its on the back side of the rock, and I couldnt get a good picture of it.

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I have had this tank up and running since September, and it has done great without any filtration other than live rock and live sand. I do 25-30% water changes every week or ever other week and all of the inhabitants seem to do very well. I can't give specs on my water because I have not tested them in a long time. In my defense I have not seen any signs of poor water quality so I tend to leave this tank be.

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The coral list: Blue/purple shrooms, red shrooms, orange tri-color ricordia, blue purple rimmed ricordia, green ricordia, orange-green ricordia, green brown rimmed zoos, montipora digita, torch coral, 2 GBTA, GSP, blue candycane, sun coral, I think that is it.

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This tank is pretty complete as far as the large pieces go, so now I am looking for some nice fillers. I have a shipment of zooanthid frags coming in from fragpacks.com, hopefully arriving in a couple of weeks. And I have an acan lord frag coming in on Tuesday, so hopefully those corals will help give the tank a more complete look.

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Thanks a lot lgoins.


Yeah, I feed them each a half a cube of mysis twice a week, they eat it up pretty quick. It was originally one GBTA that split a week after I put him in there. They are in pretty much the exact same spot as the original one was placed, they have never moved at all. I also feed the sun coral one cube of mysis twice a week.

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Thanks for the compliments guys, both of your guys tanks look amazing as well.


Yoshiod9-you are totally right, I have been waiting for my LFS to get some small pieces in that would fit right up near the top. I want to get some pieces that I can glue the new zoo frags onto. Hopefully that will really fill up the top area and the acan will probably be placed near the rics on the left. I have also been contemplating putting two powerheads in the back, instead of just one, I just haven't really gotten around to changing anything lately.


Bob-I will go try to get another pic right now, the only way to get him to come out is to feed him pellets and he only comes out far for a second or two, sorry in advance if I miss him.

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sounds awesome! just to put anything too close to your acan(except other acan of the same sp) otherwise they'll send out mesenterial threads to destroy whatever is within reach.

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Here is my favorite fish, he is always moving around and sticking his head out and taking a peak at whats going on.



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Thanks for the advice Yoshiod9, do you think that even ricordia and shrooms will attack the acans? Those will be the only coral within contact range of where the acans will go.

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Here you go Bob. These two pics were the best I could manage for now, I tried feeding him but I guess he was still full from yesterday so he wouldn't come out front. These pictures are of the reflection off of a mirror facing the back of the tank, that is the only way I could see the bullseye.





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Here are some other pics of things I didn't include last time:


Here is a picture of my sun corals starting to open up.




Here is my tank from a few feet back, you can also see part of my 12 gallon freshwater tank with fish that I have had for over 18 months now, the light doesn't work anymore otherwise I would turn it on. I love these fish, there are 13 to be exact and they have all been doing great on once a week feedings, just kidding thats only happened a few times. You know, vacations, finals, forgetfulness, they are all okay and thats what matters.




Here are some huge bristleworms, i have about 10 or so this size that all have their own little holes that they come out of. I have seen these two come out about 5 inches or so, and so have a lot of the others. Most people hate them, but I don't see them doing any harm so I leave them alone.




I hope you enjoy my tank!!!

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Hey Tigah, thanks for the info, I'll try to keep them as far away from the rics and shrooms as possible. I'll keep a careful eye on them. In fact, they are somewhere between LA and my house right now.


I also wanted to say thank you for the frags Tigah. I was so excited Saturday I decided to start a thread for the tank they are going in. And don't worry, I have a 26 gallon SPS next to these two tanks for the SPS frags. :)

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yeah, it'll definetly be the other way around. the acans will destroy most other corals. i, too, can't wait to see how your frags look! i wanna see what you got from tigah. =)

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Yeah, that makes total sense now, I read your comment wrong, sorry. What could a shroom or a ric do to to harm anything? It's good to know that acans can be dangerous, I would never have guessed.

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well, shrooms and rics actually are kinda evil, now that you mention it. they've been known to cause a retardation in growth of stony corals(sps is the main one) by allelopathy(chemical warfare). so keep them away from any precious sps or lps you have and make sure to stay on top of your water changes! =)

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