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Soft coral or what?


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Hello i am new to this forum and i have kinda recently started my first SW tank.

Yesterday i bought some new live rock. it wasent quite cured i found out so i put it in a bucket with proper salt warer mixture, now after about a hour some wierd things start popping up. they looked like some kind of soft coral with branches with polyps, however now i have noticed that they are crawling around, very very slowly but still crawling, here are some pic's




now does anyone have a clue what these things are?

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Yes!! They are horrible, evil soft coral eating nudibranchs!! Kill them IMMEDIATELY!! They normally go after Cladiella sp. corals (Colts/Speckled Leathers/Etc...). Did you recently purchase one of those corals? If so, look on it carefullly for more nudis and their egg sacs. They reproduce like crazy and will eat your soft corals in no time flat.

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