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Cultivated Reef

?Where to Buy?.. corals


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I'm wondering where the best place to ORDER corals from would be (to have shipped) There are really no decent LFS with corals in my area, and the few that carry anything only carry aneomes and occasionally mushrooms and star polyps (got enough of those two) I'm looking for Sea Whip gorgonians, and maybe some leathers and tree sponges. Recommendations for places of both places to go and places NOT to go.




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FWIW, I've had a great time on 3 occasions ordering from http://www.roesmarineworld.com/


Tyrone is very helpful, prices rock, and he'll work with you on building the order you want. Meaning if he has 3 of 4 things you want but won't have the final piece for a bit, he'll hold yours until it gets it, show it to you, and then only ship once. Very helpful guy. In fact, he is the only place I have ever ordered corals (except people on BB's), and have been more than pleased each time.


The others listed above also have very good reputations.


HTH, Bryan

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