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little tentacles?


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hey everyone, im experiencing a reef-wide epidemic of stringy tendrils reproducing everywhere in my tank. i find them attached to snail shells, all over my live rock, ect. ive attached the best possible picture i was able to come up with to aid in indentifying them. im posting here in hopes of finding a method to rid myself of these annoying things. thanks




p.s. sorry for the mediocre pic. apparently digital cameras have progressed a lot in 4 years. maybe i should look to upgrade :D

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bonus question: can anyone identify this guy? 24221en.jpg

he was a hitchhiker on my lr. thats just his molt as i saw him again last night. here he be:



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They just look like basic worms that stick out and pick stuff up. Now if it's a giant mess of stringy stuff all attached like when you stretch cotton out, it may be a sponge of some sort and you can just suck it out. They won't hurt anything. Mine only come out when I've kicked up a bunch of stuff or there's lots of stuff floating around in the tank (ie when i'm about to do a water change), but they always go down about 30 minutes after the change. They just like to catch stuff on their tentacles and pull them back to build a little more of their shell. Nothing to worry about as far as I know.

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i'd take that crab out if you could. i had one similar to that and it decided that my nice expensive zoos looked like a good meal. bastard ate 1/4 the colony before i caught him!

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I just read another thread that linked to this website




(thanks to joshnemily on post: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...&threadid=51086)


They said these may be some sort of harmful hydroids. Are these stringy things hurting your corals in any way? The only way I can see to tell the difference between the worms and hydroids is that the hydroids have little spiny legs all along each long tentacle. I also think the tentacles are slightly thicker than what you described, so it's probably nothing to worry about. Just wanted to inform you. You should still try to get a really close up look at some and see if they have the small spiny legs all up and down the tentacles. Try and compare what you see in your tank to the second picture of that article (the first one doesn't really give you a good look at them). I'm sure everything is fine, though. HTH

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phish, they much more resemble the pics from the second thread you posted. even if they are harmless they have become a distraction in my tank as there are hundreds of them. im going fishing with a pair of tweezers tonight to see if i can start ridding myself of some. also, does anyone have advice for removing that damn crab? i dont like his style and have decided to make some crab cakes

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