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Are Plusing Xenia easy to take care of?


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In my tank they are weeds as others cannot get them to live. As with any coral, research it and know its requirements before buying and don't listen to most lfs as they are out to just make a buck.

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Im a novice and I think they are pretty easy, I got 3 frags, 2 have doubled in size. an one got a little beat up from my crab knocking it on the sand, almost all its hands fell off. But it grew back with 4 stalks in about 3 weeks.


My biggest problem was getting them mounted.

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Well it was only a problem because my big clumsey emerald crabs kept knocking them off. The frags came attached to small pieces of LR so I ended up epoxying them down, and getting rid of the crabs.

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I started with one tiny frag and now I have a whole tank full that I can't get rid of...(i don't want to trim and throw away)


They do like a little iodine supps...


I have ripped mine, pulled them off rocks and they still come back.


good way to attach them is tie it down with string (you can take it out of the water..but they smell) to a shell or to the rock you want to attach it to. If you tank is balance...they should attach within two or three days.


If you were closer I would give you some...but I hear they really don't mail well (warning) and you end up with a pile of sludge when you receive it.

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Ditto that they don't ship real well, so if your LFS has some good-looking ones, that'll help. Also ditto that they are sometimes hard to acclimate to a new tank and some people have unexplained failure after failure with them. But if you get a colony to acclimate and it likes your tank...then you are off to the races trying to keep ahead of it and keep it from taking up too much space in your tank. Personally I never found its spreading nature to be an issue b/c I'd sell frags back to my LFS and make a couple bucks.


So if your LFS has some, I'd say give it a shot. Xenia is one of my favorite corals.



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They can be difficult to acclimate to a tank but once they get established they grow like weeds... then they have a habit of crashing after awhile sometimes... but I think as long as you keep up with your regular maintenance routine, they should be pretty hardy...

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I had some xenia I bought from a fish store around here that kept comming detached from the rock i put it on so I stuck the xenia in a hole in a bigger rock took a smaller rock and basically crushed the xenia into the hole. I couldn't even see it for a week or two and then all the sudden it was like 2" tall. then an anemone stung it and it melted away.


now it has grown back and there are 5 or 6 little tiny stalks of it on the rock.........


I'd say it was pretty hardy

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My pulsing xenia is trying to take over the tank! It came from a friend attached to a snail shell. One of my blue-legged decided to live in the shell one day. He detached the shell from the rock and carried the xenia all over tank. It was hilarious to watch, but my xenia finally got off and attached itself into a crevice. It has tripled in size in approx 5 months.

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