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Coral Vue Hydros

Red Finger Gorgonian Placement?


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Found a rad red finger gorgonian at the LFS. I know it is non-photosynthestic and needs to be fed alot which i have no issues with. am still new to the hobby and i have 3 questions....

1) Does the red finger need to be glued to a rock or can i stick it in the stand (which looks really good right now).

2)I have a 50/50 96w powerquad over a 12g eclipse and it is directly under the light at the bottom of the tank (which also looks really good right now). Is that too much light for a non-photo?

3) I am going to feed it marine snow and whatever floats in from the frozen brine for the fish, is that stuff any good?

I am also starting a hob acfuge FIY.

Thanks nano reefers!

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I have an orange one, not red, but here is what I do:


1) In sand and still growing and one piece mounted

2) Mine is in the shaded spot under my MH and is fine

3) No clue, I just stir the sand a tad to feed mine (well established tank though) and whatever else it catches


Nice looking gorgonian you have there also. Just pay attention to the coral and it will let you know what it likes, but pay attention! Have a little patience as some of us don't stay here all day and cannot answer posts immediately. Maybe someone with a red one can answer your questions better.

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I have yellow gorgonians. I try to keep them in the substrate, attached to rock/rubble. I keep them away from direct light, but in an area with nice water flow. I feed my tank every two to three days with Marine Snow and sometimes direct feed the gorgonians live baby brine shrimp. Other than that, a pretty carefree species. Enjoy.

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thanks for the response! figured once a thread gets burried off the home page it has a less chance to get seen so kept trying to revive it. guess it worked! Good it sounds like i am doing everything right! hope the light doesn't effect it but we will see. thanks Angel and dweakl!

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Originally posted by dweakl01

in an area with nice water flow



This is an excellent point. It helps with algae issues, on the coral, and the polyps seem to enjoy it much more.

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Non-photosynthetic species. It will not take advantage of being out in the light, but it won't benefit from it either. Try to keep algal growth away from it.

You can 'plant' it in the sand, but that'll kill the polyps living at the base. If you don't mind sacrificing a few, it can live in the sandbed. I myself have it epoxied to rock.

It will live off of very fine zooplankton, but primarily it is a phytoplankton eater.


Good luck with it!

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I have an orange one. It's attached to a small piece of LR and the base of it is the fastest growing part. I've had all sorts of tank troubles, and it's been in 3 different tanks of mine and is still kicking. I had algae problems on it in one tank (it was a newer tank and hadn't gotten over it's cyano yet) then I moved it to another tank which I was battling a GHA problem in. The tank is much better but the gorgonian seems to be an algae magnet. I recently moved it back to the newer tank and it seems to be springing back. The polyps are a lot smaller than they used to be, but they're out in force. Mine seems to love cyclopeeze. I need to figure out a way to target feed it better though, as I don't want to overfeed the rest of the tank. I'm thinking a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off will suffice. I'll put the bottle over the gorgonian and turkey baster the cyclopeeze in and let it sit for 15 minutes or so. The polyps look cool when they've got food in them. :)

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Thats not a bad idea for controled feeding, might try that too. Tell me how it works for you. Here is a pic of day 2 with the red finger in my tank.


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Epoxied my to a rock in the back of the tank Loves it there. Plenty of open water to catch his food. Its been there for 3 months and seems very well adjusted Just watch youres and see what it does

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For the last 3 days the polyps have come out at all. The red color of the gorg is still perfect and doesn't show any tissue regression. have been feeding it, maybe too much? also my little hermit crabs wont leave it alone usually 3-5 are climbing on it all the time. is that ok? is that why the polyps aren't extending? please help

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Lately mine has been hit or miss too. The polyps, when they do come out, are really small. I target fed it some cyclopeeze last night and it seems a little better this morning. I might try to target feed it every other day and see if it helps.

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These gorgonians must be fed constantly to be kept in the long term. The have larger polyps the a lot of other corals so they eat bigger plankton then small phytoplankton. I fed mine crushed fish food mixed with supplements every once in a while (mostly selcon).


For some reason the polyps don't come out every now and then for a period of time. I'm still waiting for mine to open, it did this before too. I know it can't be algae overgrowth because I don't have lighting on the tank.

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a cheap target feeding tip. take a good length of airline tubing and suck whatever food you want to feed into it, make sure it's a good length so you don't get a mouthfull of plankton, it smells bad enough i can't fathom what the taste must be.. and just blow it onto the polyps you're feeding.. 25 feet of tubing is like 4 bucks at your LFS, i find a good length to be around 4 feet.. but that's also to get into and maneuver around in a 24 inch tall tank, play with it and see what works for you and the coral with feeding and placement, if the polyps are out, and it looks good, don't screw around with it

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I just bought a yellow gorgonian this afternoon. The polyps were all out in the bag, and now starting to come out in the tank. I cant wait! I plan on feeding it CoralPlankton from Liquid Life, and whatever else it catches when i feed Zooplex. Has anyone tried the Coral Plankton yet?

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