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Coral Vue Hydros

Anemone of some sort, good? bad?


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Not a great pic, but looks like aptasia to me also. I have done a ton of reasearch because I have something in my tank that I thought might be aptasia. Typical aptasia looks more like what you have rather then what I have. Mine could still be aptaisa but I am leaving it alone for now because I was told it could be some type of button polyp. Do a search on here for aptasia and look at some of the pics. Aptasia is a pest anenome that will spread all over your tank and take over. It will sting other corals at night and can really take a tank down. Joe's juice is a good product (i've heard) to get rid of it. Also Peppermint shirt are supposed to feed on it although I've heard that it's hit or miss with the shrimp. In any case, I would do some research and get rid of it as quickly as you can.

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