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Cultivated Reef

Help my Gorgonian


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I went on vacation i when i got back the tips of my Spiny Gorgonian were bones their is about a inch of its selkaton showing on each of its branchs and the of my other coral is doing find can some one tell me what is wrong.

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10" Red Devil

When did you purchase the gorgonian? How long have you had it? The reason I ask is because if you just bought it from your store before you left, you could have gotten a less then healthy specimen, that is suffering from shipping stress. Another portential, could be rtn of sorts. Also look at it carefully for shelled mollusks. There are different ones, but I believe the tongue snail eats the tissue of gorgs, it can come in different colors. I have seen purple ones, along with white with polka-dots of brown.


Only thing you can do now, is to cut it at just about 1/2" below the resession, in the hopes that the healthy tissue still left will rebuild. I would dip the frags in kents Coral dip for the recommended time as well, just in case there is some sort of rtn attacking the coral.


I have had Gorgs do this on me before, I fragged them and the frags grew into new mother colonies.


Good luck!

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I gotta agree with the 10" Red Devil on this one. Trim the specimen back below the affected region and use an iodine dip for 10 - 15 minutes to disinfect the region. Place the specimen in a medium to high water flow area to remove any excess skin, and be patient. Patience is the key. Watch the specimen and be patient. If the erosion continues, repeat the trimming process cutting a greater distance below the affected region. If it continues aftre this, you specimen may be doomed. Good luck, keep us posted.

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i had the gorgonian for about 6 months now and this all started about 2 months ago and what would i have to use to frag it and when i put it in iodine sould it in be saltwater or freshwater? and one more qustion how many drops of Lugol's Solution of iodine should i put in a 2 gallon bucket when i put the gorgonian in the bucket for like ten minutes, thank you so much i will make sure to tell you how it is doing

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since you're just "cutting-away" the diseased portion, a sharp pari of scissors should do fine. Mix the iodine dip with saltwater from the tank, as described on the package, but do not put the dip in the main tank. I can't tell you about Lugol's, I use Seachem's coral disenfectant.

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well i cut of the diseaed parts and put it in a 2 gallon bucket with 8 drops and now i have it in a high curret flow spot in my tank now i guess time will tell right

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Hey dweakl01, my gorgonian looks like it is going to make it about 75% of the tips that i cut of grew back over the skeleton at the tips and the other 25% hasnt grew back so i probly didnt cut it back far so i will cut it a little bit farther and see what happens

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Bobo Skater...good to hear. Glad to hear everything seems to be working out. Take care of that thing.


10"...for what its worth...I appreciated your comments! :-)

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sorry about that 10" red devil after all you did tell me to cut it back so i got to thank both of you guys for helping my gorgonian live thanks again

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