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help with ID, plz...


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Ok so a while ago, a bought a little tank-raised devil's hand. On the bottom of the rock, there was a tiny green thing, that almost looked like a Zo. Time passed, and I moved the devil's hand, when POOF it was gone! a week later, I found it reattached to another rock, and it was definetely getting a little bigger. the first pic shows it when it was on the devils hand, it's hard to see, but, it's right next to the Blasto in the center of the pic. horrible pic, sorry!



then, I wake up to find this in the morning: IT SPLIT



my first impression is since it has almost bulb like tips, it must be a baby anenome, or something?? any help is greatly appreciated!



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that is what I thought. but I am yet to find a pic of even a baby, that looks as flour. green as this does. You r probablly right, altho, as of right now, they don't seem to bother anything, except my clown, who stares at them all day!

thanx for ur help!!!!


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The first one is definitely a majano, the second is definitely an aiptasia. Not a good combo. Even if it seems like they aren't bothering anything now, they will just find a spot and sit there and grow and split until you have a big one that is stinging everything around it and about 30 small ones all over the tank. Then you'll be frustrated and sorry and want to throw your rocks out the window. Get Joe's Juice quick!

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