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Everquest Character


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I have a leave 70 Rogue Everquest 1 character I'd trade for some lighting...


Level 70

310 AA

Epic 1.5

Time flagged

Full Qvic armor

Most Illusion masks (including Amulet of Necropotence)

Very very good gear.

Close to 8k HP unbuffed over 11k buffed


Looking for 70W MH or 150W MH and will pay all shipping.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everquest is a stoner game, my friends plays it you can get some good money for characters, my friend also has one of the best characters in the game, kindoneck, whatever that is,

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Please don't associate stoners with everquest. Everquest is like dungeons and dragons or magic, but on a computer so you don't have to have any physical interaction with the outside world. My roomate freshman year would play it for hours upon hours on end.

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sir winston mulligan

i agree with border, DO NOT associate (spelling?) this game with stoners...sure you can associate cheetos and what not but never everquest

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nobody that either works or goes to school full time and keeps a reef has time to play everquest.. i tried it for a little while but i got my character to a decent level and got some decent gear, but the characters upkeep was taking 4 or 5 hours a night minimum.. I'd be playing and then i'd have to go to work and then come home, eat, go to work ingame, and then go back to work again.. didn't work out so well

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  • 2 weeks later...

it should be funny - but It's not; just check e-bay for prices on this and other online game characters -


there's definately a "definable" market price out there, and plenty of people who will pay for it -


and I agree, if you have a job and a reef tank, there is absolutely no time for these things, I played Diablo II (not even close to the level of UO) and didn't have a second to take care of my tank, much less look at it.


BTW, you don't have to be stoned to play these games - but it helps :D



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