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Magic the Gathering again

Keng Yew, Leong

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Keng Yew, Leong

I have a collection of mora than 2000 cards and Im willing to trade anything for any marine fish stuff(lighting,frags..etc).I have some good cards such as 4 Crusades and a really RARE alt. art foil Chinese version of Coffin Puppets.You will never find it in US...

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Just a heads up on your cards (personally I am old and don't have a freakin' clue what they are). There is a guy over on ReefCentral, his screen name is mjsandbe According to his signature he trades frags for these cards... Jus' lettin' ya know.

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Coffin puppets must be a black card....

Id use my counterspell on it.

if that didnt work, my Chaos orb will.

Then Ill Time Walk on yer ass and slap a Wheel of Fortune out and play a kudzu. Yer screwed.... enjoy yer Forest, as I play a Force of Nature or Ernham Djinn.


PS: have any old school cards? Legends and what not?

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i got a few of these old cards. off the top of my head i got 2 revised vesuvan dopplegangers. legends dackon black blade. 2 maze of ith. some duel lands. icy manipulators. clones and a few new cards but i stopped playing a few years ago. i will trade these cards for frags equipment or fish. also looking for live rock.

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i also have a rather large collection to finish getting rid of


i got birds 3 , wrath 4 , undermine (1 foil 1 not), 2 savannah, 4 ehranm djins stuff like that if any one is intrested.

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Originally posted by Djm9288

oh, god! could u guys be any dorkier!????


WHO is the dork going to the American Idol concert and is so stoked about the 27th row CENTER FLOOR tickets that he made referances in 3 threads? AND made a post on it? and is a 13 year old BOY ?


oh thats right..... YOU !

dork.... dont throw stones if ya live in a glass house.


Magic the gathering is a thinking game....

you wouldnt understand or be able to follow the complex game play. : let alone be ranked in DUELIST and INQUEST magizine in 1998 for regional and NATIONAL tournaments.



club membership 1. President: DJM.

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hooaaa ######, yeah thats pretty gay!

hehe...teen idol...hehe

would you preffer it if we were trading Justin Timberlake 'NSYNC role playing cards.


yeah, I tap your Justin with a lawsuit_from_ spears, can't move for three turns. TAKE THAT *****!!

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Someone who bragged about seat to American Idol called someone else a dork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Makes me want to move someplace where things make sense maybe Afghanistan or somethin. How's Libya this time of year.


Ashamed to be a human.


Plays Demonic Tudor......Starts digging.....Hmmm....MUUHHAAAA!!!


I know I know Demonic Tutor is Old school But hell I started on alpha.


Ok Time to cut back on the jolt.

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Repeat after me:


"Hello, my name is (say your name) and I am a geek."


The only trading cards I know of, besides sports cards are those frucking pokiman things my nephew used to make me buy him and the always funny but impossible to find Wacky Packages. Now, if someone else on this board can remember them, I won't feel quite so old.

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having worked for a baseball card dealer fer a few yers, I have HAD wacky packages. tough to find full set.

N-E-1 1/2 N E Garbage Pail kids ? :woot:

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Magic the gathering eh..? Are those things *kinda* like sports cards where some cards are worth like a nickel while others are worth 100 bucks..?

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Keng Yew, Leong

This thread is getting weird...from American Idol to baseball cards...My cards r still available for frags or macroalgae.Any frag or macroalgae is alright.

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Keng Yew, Leong


yeah the back and forth of this post obviously lost your original intention. I (weirdly enough) would actually probally be intrested in the Alt. art puppets (and any non-english Slieght of Minds ;) ).


The only problem is...well your in Malaysia. You think it's costly to send next day air across the U.S.. I couldn't imagine (if it could even be done) the cost for it to go half way around the world.

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  • 2 months later...

Keng Yew, Leong,


just wondering if you still had the AA foil Puppets?


trading and shipping is still probally outrageous, but would consider just selling it?

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<<<< taps all teh yapyers wiht da IMP....... ROYAL ASSASINS DEY ASSES

/me laughs as I tear up chaos orb in little pieces and rains hellfire over your table of NOTHINGNESS !

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hey whats up. We got a group of magic card people at my school. They are kinda wierd. I think these people had Pokeman or whatever you call it b/f the magic cards. I don't know one thing bout your lil game. All i know is there are dragons and freaky lil creatures. o well just thought i'd share that little tid-bit with you> :)

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Hey there card guys & gals


Can y'all battle between types of cards, like Pokemon vs. Yugioh and kewl stuff like that? Or is it just a one brand-one fight thing?

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