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black spots on clown


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Fellow Nano's,

I have noticed some black spots developing on my false clown. He seems to be acting OK. I added some pulsating zena a months ago. Some people seem to say it is from the clown trying to host the zena and not to worry about it. Others say it is black ich.


So whick one is correct. If it is black ich how do I know for sure and how would I cure it?

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I have seen this happen many times, and usually it is due to the clown hosting in corals (zoos, frogspawn, torch, xenia, etc).


I wouldn't worry about it being black ich. The spots will more than likely come and go over time. I had one clown that rubbed up against zoos every once in a while, and it would get the black spots.


So, I'm not sure why, but it seems to have something to do with rubbing on the corals.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have a false perc and noticed a tiny white spot on his tail. its not spreading(so far). he's pretty healthy. ive only had him for about two weeks. water is good. he eats like a champ and his energy is great. any ideas? anything will help. thanks.

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Do some searches on here you should find some solutions to issues related to ich. I have never had to deal with it, knock on wood.

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wow I added a xenia 2 weeks ago and low and behold my clown has a few black spots too. Haven't seen him try to host yet though

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I've got the same thing on my perc. I have a Waving Hand Xenia (I think that's the correct name) that's been in there for several weeks now, more like 3 or so. I am pretty sure mine hasn't tried to host it, because he never cheats on his RBTA. I've never seen him go to anything else yet. I may be wrong, but there seems to be more spots, but mostly on one side, only a 2 or 3 on the other side. He acts fine, and eats well though. No rapid breathing, and other than a little phosphate...the water params are fine. Does anyone know beyond a shadow of a doubt what is causing this???

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  • 7 months later...

it all comes together now.


I had noticed a few weeks ago a black spot on the tail of my false perc.

Tonight it's VERY obvious that he's hosting in my green skirt zoas.. not that there is much to host in, but he's definately doing his best.

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In addition, I suggest not resorting to drastic measures to treat "possible" ich (white/black) unless you see noticeable decline in your clown's health/behavior. Like rapid gill movement, irregular swimming, scratching, etc.


Sometimes these things aren't really a big deal (like the black spots they often get from hanging out in the corals all day) and sometimes, even if it is white ich, it could even go away on its own.


Just no point in overstressing your little guys prematurely.

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lol...i was actually going to post about thius because my clown just got these black spots too...lol..i guess it happens to all of us..with clowns trying to host....lol

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lol...i was actually going to post about thius because my clown just got these black spots too...lol..i guess it happens to all of us..with clowns trying to host....lol


unless I see a raised feature...

I'm not going to react.


my clown seem quite happy hosting in my zoas.

I wish it'd had picked the hammer tho.

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I have noticed my Clown has these also. I was curious about them but he looks healthy. I have had him for nearly 3 years. The Xenia theory Is interesting because I only added It recently and he has been hanging around it.

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Both of my false's have these black spots. They've only been in the tank about a month and started getting them about two weeks ago. They don't seem to be hosting anything yet. Although I do have xenia, hammer, zoos, etc. They seem happy and healthy, but it still worries me.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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