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Cultivated Reef

2-gallon nano


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This is my first post so please bear with me.




Here is a picture of my 2-gallon nano/pico. It has been up and running for 3 months now with no problems other than some hair algae (keeping my fingers crossed). Inhabitants: 4 blue legged hermit crabs, one peppermint shrimp, star polyps, various mushrooms and a very healthy isopod collection. Hardware: 26 watt PC, CPU fan cooling, passive topoff, 2 Rio 50 (1 for UG, 1 for pre-filtering) LR: 2.7 pounds of Fiji Branch.

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Nice! I bet scraping algae is a pain in the tushie. With that light, why didn't you just get a slightly bigger tank? It looks kind of precarious, balancing up there. Otherwise it looks neato.

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This will probaly be moved to Members reef pics forum, butnice setup.

Im a tad skeptical of hex tanks as water flow and gas exchanges are not at the optimim due to shape of tank as well as the difficulty of stacking rock and corals AND still doing maintnance.

They can be beautiful though.... :)

there is a small magnetic algae scraper on the market with a rounded edge.... it makes "rolling" past corners easy.. Id recommend ya pick one up.


See ya inthe funny pages !

welcome to the board.

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