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Order of operations - cycle question


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Basically I've had my 28 gallon bow-front setup for about a week with just a dead sand bed and 14 lbs of dead base rock. I have a few sand scoops on the way to seed mine. So I guess the next step would be to load up with live rock which I am starting today but will take me two months to pay for all of it (I'm a poor bastard). So anyways, I plan on ordering the detrivour kit from inlandaquatics.com at some point and I was wondering when is the best time to do this. Obviously I want to add the kit before any fish so that they can establish a population but do I also have to wait until after my live rock cycles?

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yer all torqued up..... slow down, get GOOD quality LR, cure it, and then after a month add some cleaner crew.

Patience is a Virtue young Skywalker......

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Originally posted by Dave ESPI

yer all torqued up..... slow down, get GOOD quality LR, cure it, and then after a month add some cleaner crew.

Patience is a Virtue young Skywalker......

B) I totally agree.....



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I would cycle the LR without any inhabitants until you see the nitrite go to 0 and stay there. There will be plenty of inhabitants with the LR anyway, so it won't be boring, trust me. After nitrites hit 0 then i would consider adding a clean up crew, though little at a time.



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Originally posted by Dave ESPI

yer all torqued up..... slow down, get GOOD quality LR, cure it, and then after a month add some cleaner crew.

Patience is a Virtue young Skywalker......


What constitutes GOOD quality LR? At my local LFS their LR selection looks horrible (and it's covered with aptasia). I've seen the picture of what the Author of "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist"


Got any pictures of what's good, or bad?

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From what i have seen the best quality live rock comes from online distributors like Tampa Bay, or Gulf View, for aquacultured and other online providers such as Flying fish of a host of others for imported rock from fiji, marshall islands, etc etc.



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