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Top Shelf Aquatics

Please help ID several Soft corals.


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Thank you for taking the time with these ID's. Another day spent at the fish store, and I couldn't resist these purchases. Unfortunately, I had to rely on the Salespeople (who at this particular LFS aren't that bad) for advice. However, I lost the list of the corals, and cannot remember their name (which I need as a reference for looking up their care instructions).


The small dark purple one is a colt coral, but what about the larger pink one? It is fairly stiff to the touch, but not hard.



I thought this was a Kenya tree, but now I am having second thoughts. It is very soft, and slimy. Some days it is much larger than others.



Thank you again for your time.

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Originally posted by Big Ed

1st larger pink one.  COLT CORAL.

Smaller purple one. Frag of Green star polyps on the rock the colt coral is on.

2nd. Kenya tree coral.


The small dark purple one isn't GSP. Its a poor picture, and you can't really tell, but it looks and feels a lot like a smaller version of the pink one (more "thorns" though).


Agh, so it IS a kenya tree? I almost surely had it labeled as a Sinularia.

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The pink one is not a colt- especially because you describe it as somewhat stiff to the touch. It's a Dendronephthya sp. Extremely difficult to keep long term. It's non-photosynthetic and must be fed on a regular basis. The small dark purple on is probably a Lemnalia or Neospongoides sp. Easier to deal with than Dendronephthya, but still not an easy coral. I'm guessing that the small slimy green one is a Sinularia.

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