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New Tank, Seahorses, suggestions


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I was given a 28 gallon hex tank today, and would like to make it into a seahorse mainly reef tank. I am looking for suggestions on whether or not to use a plenum or deep sand bed, or just a normal sand bottom, suggestions for circulation since it will need to be low current, filter suggestions, and any other suggestions. I have some general ideas of what I'd like to do, but want to see how others would handle it then I'll post my "useable" idea.


Thanks in advance,


ID :blush:

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I would suggest using Rio-50s with the attachment that will help disperse the water... Go with the DSB in my opinion, reasons why: It will help out more with filtration. Seahorses need serious stability (anything you can do to help would be wise). Also you will be feeding heavily thus the more filtration the better! I would also recommend using some tonga branch rock for your LR, this will give you horses more to grab onto in the tank (doesn't have to be all the rock, but some will help out). Sorry I don't have any filter tips (save this one: a skimmer might be a serious benifit to you!).... Hope this will at least help you out a little bit. Also ocean rider might be of some use to you (although they seem a little pricy... see if you can find some tank raised horses locally!)...

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Go deep! as far as the sand bed goes.

ue a power filter for circulation also use a lot of macro algaes and live rock. Halimeda and cauleerpa is what I use with my seahorses.

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