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1-2 green chromis


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How do green chromis fare when they are the only chromis in a tank? Do they become shy or stay out in the open? If you get a pair, does one pick on the other until it dies or do they remain peaceful? All information I've managed to find seems to be on how well they do in schools in larger tanks. I wish I had a larger tank but space is limited.



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A pair will become shyer... but not as shy as just one. The problem is that although they seem peaceful, they have a habit of harassing others, so a group of 4+ is recommended.

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So would a pair be safe and not have one harassed a lot by the other or keep one? It'll be a while before I have a tank big enough for 4+.



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I had a pair of Chromis in my 29, they were pretty shy and not very interesting. They didn't pick on any other fish but they did chase each other around occasionally. My maroon kept them in check.

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Would they hide all the time or were they just not active and extremely display-friendly? I ask because if having only one would stress it into hiding, I don't want to do that but if having two would cause one to pick on the other and stress it that way, I would not want to do that either.



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A fellow reefer has 1 chromis in his 100 Gallon. The chromis is extrememly active and friendly. If you ask me one of the most interesting fish to look at in the tank. It is impressive to see a school of chromis but in a small tank that impossible.

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my sister in law had 2 in her 40 hex, they were not shy, never bothered each other, she added like 5 more (too many imo) and they all school together, no problems with them at all

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have tow, and the one is chasing the other... They are not shy, but really nice in the tank. Thinking of getting another one, so the pickin it spred out on two fishes instead of one.

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