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HOB Filter Needed?


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I recently set-up a 10-Gallon Nano using the Eclipse 1 hood. I based this on the success I've had with nano systems in the past using the Eclipse filtration system (I've run both the Eclipse 6 & 12). Now I am finding that the hood does not allow enough light to be placed in the tank for optimum coral growth.


Current Tank:

- 10G AGA Aquarium

- 50W Titanium Heater

- Eclipse 1 Hood

- Hagen 201 Powerhead

- Custom SeaLife 32W SmartLite Retrofit


My Proposed Setup:

- 10G AGA Aquarium

- 50W Titanium Heater

- Penguin Mini Power Filter *

- 2-Hagen 201 Powerheads

- 2-Custom SeaLife 32W SmartLite Retrofits


Obviously, the lighting will be PLENTY (even for SPS!), but I was wondering about the power filter. Is it even necessary? Yes, it would be nice to have a place to put chemical filtration if needed, but I'd rather do a water change instead!


Just wondering how many people here run filter-free with good results and animal health.

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Well....I don't think it is ever REALLY needed but it might be nice to have one around in case something happens and a water change cannot be done immediately. On my 7 bow I run nothing but a Aquaclear Mini. I don't like powerheads in my tanks....they take up too much room and are very unsightly IMO.


I think you could do this without one for sure....I also think you could do this with JUST a HOB filter and no powerheads.


You will hear some say yes and some say no. It depends how experienced you are in detecting problems. If you feel you can handle and problems that may arise in a filterless tank than go for it. f your still a newbie in reefkeeping I would use it as a "safety net" until youg et the hang on it.



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This being my 4th nano setup, I feel comfortable with running w/o, but I do disagree about the powerheads. Filters have too much restriction on the pump to produce any significant flow. On every nano I've kept, I've had cyano unless I added a powerhead. As with any reef, there can never be too much water movement!


I'm a firm believer in flow for coral health. Not only does it keep them clean of drifting detritus, but more flow=more chance to feed as well.


Granted, some small tanks don't have the space, but if I remove all filters, etc., I'll have space in both upper corners and that won't look too bad since I plan on having a solid rock wall along the back from bottom to top.



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Just a matter of opnion I guess...I've never had cyano issues in any tank and I've found HOB filters adeaquate. My results show it too.


Anyhow....sounds like you could do it without the HOB filter if you wanted too.....with 4 nano's done it sounds like you'd be able to shoot down and problems that may arise...



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i agree with physh, not having a hob is like reefing w/o a safety net. definitely doable but i would not recommend it. doesn't mean people can't do it or succeed at it.


my concern would be more on the lights, on the lower side imo. but then again deezreef ran his 10g the same and his was one of the best tanks (if not best) imo. i think his 20g uses more ???

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Originally posted by Physh1

On my 7 bow I run nothing but a Aquaclear Mini.


What filter media do you run in the AquaClear? I found Floss, Carbon, and Foam. I'd assume just floss unless something happens, then a DIY bag'o'sumpin!

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Go with the Aquaclear or even a Skilter. Both have room to add a bag of carbon or Chemipure if needed. You can run either one without media to just circulate, or on my Skilter I tossed the floss cartridges and cut a Whisper Triad foam to fit the frame. Works great, I also did the airstone mod to get better skimming. Worked for years until I upgraded to a BakPak 2. I use the Aquaclears on both my 5G FOWLR and my 7G Hex.

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Originally posted by AZDesertRat

Go with the Aquaclear or even a Skilter. Both have room to add a bag of carbon or Chemipure if needed. You can run either one without media to just circulate, or on my Skilter I tossed the floss cartridges and cut a Whisper Triad foam to fit the frame. Works great, I also did the airstone mod to get better skimming. Worked for years until I upgraded to a BakPak 2. I use the Aquaclears on both my 5G FOWLR and my 7G Hex.


I think I'm going to get the AquaClear Mini and run just the floss. I'm not interested in the Skilter ... I'm sold on skimmerless! But that's another story ...

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lighting is subjective to the animal and bulb quality ime. i run 2x32w on my 5g and i think it's a little light (low) but i'm never satisfied! :P


like i said, deez did great with 2x32w for his 10g with sps. the extra light can't hurt, short of a 400w radium (where's lunchbucket? ;) ).


i only suggest it since you're re-doing everything. i'm doing the same thing right now myself. ;)

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Tiny Deezreef used 2x28W on a 10, and that awesome 10 that will be burned in our minds forever!!! That tank was unreal!! Anyway, luv2jeep, I have 2x32W in my 12 gallon. I did it in a Eclipse 1tl hood (same space dimensions as the eclipse 1 single bulb model). However, this is NOT something I would recommend. However, if you are looking for a lighting up-grade try going with 1x28W which will fit VERY nicely into the existing Eclipse 1 hood (easy to install as well). If you don't think it will be enough lighting send deezreef a PM and ask him for pics of his old 10 gallon SPS and clam tank!!! OMG, it was beautiful!! -he was keeping blue maximas ;) with it too (and did so for some time I might add). Not to mention that the eclipse hood will force you to put the lights in the fron of your tank (most reefers don't like lighting up the back-side of their rock anyway ;) ). This will force even more lighting in a concentrated area -you could do this with any hood simply by moving the lights away from the back of the hood. *btw, if you aren't looking at keeping SPS corals or clams then your 32W should be JUST FINE! In fact I was keeping some lower light SPS corals with just my one 32W (prior to my up-grade).

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Usually I ran just the sponge but twice a month for about a day or so at a time I used the carbon. Freshened things up a bit. I also use the HOB filter with a surface skimming attachment to keep the surface clean and get rid of that typical film you can get.


On the lighting side of things you should be ok for softies and most LPS im my opinion but SPS and clams really need more intensity (aka LUMENS).


They may do ok with 64 but really need more to do well. I've got a 150w HQI over my 7 bow now and do much better with everything I keep.


I have always hated those wattage recommendations because really the are a minimal level for keeping critters alive and too many people sware by those damn numbers.


The more light you can offer your tank (reasonably and without heat issues) the better everything will do.


Your 64 will be ok for softies and most LPS but i'd recommend more for SPS and clams.



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