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Does anyone know what kind of clam this is?


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Tridacna crocea from the looks of it. Croceas are generally taller than they are wide and maximas are generally wider than they are tall.

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jennie's funny! i highly doubt that that clam is a hitchhiker! he would have had to sneak by a bunch of people before mike lucked out and picked him up on a piece of lr. lol.


hey mike...i know your tank is fairly new so maybe you should've waited on the clam. but since you have it already...how large is it? any clams smaller than 4 inches depend upon filter feeding to survive. larger than 4 inches and they depend on high quality lighting(a suprise feeding of dt's is always nice though!) to survive. make sure that you calcium, alkalinity, and strontium levels are all within reason. make sure you keep your water in pristine condition, as well. hth. goodluck!

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i was not being funny, i was being serious, i almost got one as a hitchhiker. my lfs did not see a small 2 inch clam on the back of one of the mushroom rocks i was buying, but the saw it last minute and took it out of the bag, got it off and repacked my coral. honestly i did not see it either, but in a way i am glad they found it since i do not have the light to support one :)

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well that sucks that they took it off the rocks because that clam is, more than likely, dead because of their actions. clams put out byssal threads to tie themselves down to the rock they are on and if you damage the threads, chances are the clam will not survive.


cool that you almost had a good sized clam as a hitchhiker though

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