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Cultivated Reef

Help with ID algea


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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you scrub it off with a toothbrush? There are several varieties/colors of coraline algae... I have some burgundy in my tank that grows with a texture. If it scrubs off though, I would call it cyano though.

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it does not scrub off. i took another pix of it. it crumbs together, i had to cut it off w/ a razor blade. if looks closely, it looks like little sac. (like the sac from kelp, i put a circle on the pix).


much thanks,


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i had something like that b4 and it was brown. luckily my coraline kept pace with it until i sold my tank. umm... i say remove the rock just in case. probably some encrusing caulerpa?

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hmm, i think it's an algae or caulerpa... is ur tank full of it or just here and there? i think ti's a slow grower and doens't really plague a tank but it is thick... maybe try an urchin for a lil bit to remove some? scrubbing wont help, it'll just come back i think.

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