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Coral Vue Hydros

Fire Worm? UGLY!


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This thing is nasty looking and pretty big. I'm guessing it's a fire worm, though I'm hazy on the difference between good and bad ones. I think I'm gonna flush it cuz it's just too big for my nano. Anyway, if any one knows exactly what it is, please let me know.




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Eurythoe Complanata? If it is, it's toxic, so it wouldn't be the most ideal thing in ur tank... =) I don't know if it is one tho, but it looks like it.

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I just got the skinny from Liverocks.com (those guys are great!). It's a South Atlantic bristle worm. Good detritus eater but best kept in the fuge not the reef its self.


So there you go!

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I have one that looks similar to your but have no id for it. I am not too concearned with him as I have seen nothing damaged in my tank. My only concearn is when I do maitnence on the tank i will brush up against him.

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Sorry, my last post wasn't too clear. The rock is from Liverocks.com - it's aquacultured from the florida keys. I emailed those guys and they identified it as a south atlantic bristle worm. They said it was good for detritus eating, but that they had seen one eat small soft polyps so it was best kept in a refugium.


Anyway, hope this helps if anyone else has one.



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It's about as cool to me as it will be to you when you pick it up w/ your bare hands and put it down your pants. ;) Haha. I hate them. Little ones I can tollerate, but if it's the size that I can nab it w/ chopsticks, it's gone. Luckily I haven't seen a single one in my new tank.

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I'd say it was correctly identified as Eurythoe Complanata,or some type of fireworm. It doesn't look like a normal bristleworm to me. A really good way to tell...most fireworms are diurnal, where as most bristleworms are nocturnal. Is this guy active a ton during the day? They have natural defenses, so no one really messes with them.


I just pulled one out of my tank and touched it (don't do that). I'd get rid of it if you are keeping any soft corals. They'll even eat sun polyps and other hard corals, and if they can catch them, fish, starfish. Or actually, they'll pretty much eat anything they can catch.


On a side note, you could setup a small tank for it, get some other ones, and feed them starfish. They'll all swarm at the same time. Kind of cool.

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