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Hey guys


To start of the heater is a normal vinnilla 100w. The temp control and power cable isn't submerged, there is chaber next to the filter that makes provision for a heater and assorted cables that lead out of your tank.


I havent put much thought into live stock for it yet. But I would realy like to own a Mandirin goby. As for corals I'm not to sure. The tank came standard with 2x 15w 15000k floresent tubes so I'll have to find out what corals would be happy with that amount of light. As I dont plan to upgrade the lighting anytime soon as lighting is generaly very expensive here in SA


And please excuse spelling and grammar English isnt my spoken language

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do some research on the fish that can thrive in that setup.. plain and simple, a mandarin would have a hard time surviving in there. I made the mistake early on of putting one in an unestablished tank, and like so many others, the fish died within about three months. And needless to say, I had a larger tank.

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Thanks for the advice Igoins

Im planning to take things very slow with this tank and get it properly matured before adding any live stock. Hopefully the lfs will have some more Lr soon!

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