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Coral Vue Hydros

50 gallon project.


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the skimmer of choice sadly will be a berlin clasic "Turbo"

lighting will be a 250 watt 20000K HQI(possibly 2) and 2x95 watt VHO's

sump will be a 25 gallon long (30x12x16)

return pump a mag 9.5

and since the tank is not drilled a CPR 800gph overflow will be used

for the closed loop and oceans motions 4way will used and a mag 12 will be powering the closed loop.




stands almost done

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I love big tanks and it's pontentials. I will be upgrading to a 60 gallon soon so I need all the info available. I look foward in seeing your tank progress. Keep us posted.

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well a little change in plans lighting will be now T5 HO and the skimmer will be an remora with surface skimmer, and tomorow im goign to go pick up a redsea wave maker with all the power heads for $75 CDN

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heheheheh well today i found were i cna get 120 gallon 4x2x2 for 250 canadian so this 50's becomign a sump and i foudn a T5+HQI 4ft pendant on aqutraders and actually these pendants are very very bright :) lol i guess i could pull the mak 4 out of storage now LOL

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